Chapter 56- We did stand

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It had been a year since the snap, and the avengers were slowly rebuilding their lives. Tony and Morgan had moved to a log cabin near the lake to enjoy the quiet life and Natasha and Steve had moved to their own house to raise james, who was now one years old.
Yelena, scott, Thor, Clint and rhodey had been working on a plan to go back and reverse the snap, but they quickly came to the realisation that they needed a big brain, a brain bigger than all of them combined.
In the new home tony and Morgan had made for Themselfs, The duo were in the kitchen making cakes.
"No, no no no dad that's wayy to much flower" Morgan winced pushing tony gently away from the bowl.Tony just laughed and tried to pour more in and when the two starting play fighting, he poured it on her head.
"Oh it's so on" she mumbled before throwing a bag of sugar and eggs at him.
"Just admit it M, I'm the better chef" he said smirking at her.
Tony tried to grab morgans arms to stop her throwing any more ingredients at him, which ended up in Morgan squealing and tony pulling her into a hug which she tried to escape from.
Before the fight could go any further, the two looked at eachother when they heard a knock at the door.
Tony brushed the sugar from him and tried to wipe the eggs of his shirt, before quickly going to the door.

What he didn't expect, was to see the remaining Avengers at the door, minus the soldier and the spy.
"Stark" Yelena muttered looking him in the eye.
The two hadn't really spoke much since the snap, and Yelena hadn't seen Morgan much either.
Tony looked  at the team surrounding him and gestured for them to sit in the chairs outside.
He slowly shut the door before sitting down with them "you know if you came for food, I gotta tell ya me and M don't make good chefs" he laughed trying to brighten the mood.
Yelena just let out a small smile remembering the times her and Morgan would cook together.
"Actually we're here on business terms" Scott announced looking at Bruce to continue.
"We found something tony, a chance to bring everyone back"
Tony looked away and looked towards the lake near him, "we want to build a time machine" Scott said proudly waiting for Tony's reaction.
Tony looked at Scott like shit on his shoe.
"A time machine" tony deadpanned.
"Oh well forgiveme for not thinking about that earlier Lang, because guess what, it's impossible"
Scott just laughed at Tony's words and bit back the urge to argue with him.
"What so that's it?" Clint said from his seat in the corner.
"We all lost people stark, you lost your wife and Morgan lost her mother, I lost my whole family, and now there's a chance to bring them back, to bring everyone back and you won't even-"
Tony stopped Clint from rambling on "that's right Barton, I won't even"
Clint scoffed and looked at the others before they all looked at the door where Morgan stood now in her pjs from changing her clothes from their food fight.
"Oh hey guys" she muttered, this wasn't at all awkward.
Yelena smiled at the girl, to which Morgan smiled back before giving her a hug.
"Long time no see sestra" Yelena spoke in Morgan's hair.
Morgan just let go and smiled again as she walked over to tony who stood up and put his arm around Morgan."we have to take a stand" Scott said staring at tony. "We did stand, and look where we are" Tony muttered looking at Clint who was a shell of his former self in the corner.
"I got lucky last time" he said directing his speech at Scott, "I can't roll the dice on that"
Scott stood up and went Infront of tony, "look Tony I get it, you want to be here for your daughter, but please, just consider it"
Tony nodded before following Morgan back in the house.
"Oh and if you don't talk shop you can stay for dinner, we made cakes for dessert" Tony shouted before the door shut behind them and the others retreated back to the car.
Later that night, tony had said goodnight to Morgan, and he had gone down to his now more minimalist workshop in the basement, he leaned back in his chair as holograms projected on the table Infront of him.
It had been seeing the picture of Peter and Morgan that had motivated him to atleast try, Peter had saved his daughter's life, and he was still a kid who deserves to live his life to the fullest.
"I've got a mild inspiration id like to see if it checks out, so if I could run one last sim before we pack it in for the night, this time in the shape of a mobius strip inverted please"
"Processing" the ai spoke back as it whirred, that being the only noise in the dimly lit room.
Tony crossed his arms over his chest and then went to touch he hologram "right give me the value of that particle factoring in the spectral decomp, that will take a second"
"Just a moment " the ai spoke back.
" And don't worry if it dosent work out I'm just kinda-"
"Model rendered"
Tony who had been stood up working on the model, fell back down into his seat and gasped when he saw the 'model successful' sign on the hologram.
"Shit!" He said with a bit too much enthusiasm.
"Shit" Morgans voice came from the stairs she had been sat on.
Tony spun around his eyes widening and he out a finger over his mouth.
"What you doing up missy"
Morgan smirked at him "why you up" she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Because I got some important shit to do why you think" the girl arched her eyebrow at her father.
"I got something on my mind, I got something on my mind" he mumbled the last bit.
"Was it ice cream by any chance" the teenager said her smirk turning into a smile.
Tony took a minute to reply, his face now carrying a soft smile "sure was, that's extorshion, now that's a word"
"Great minds think alike, ice cream was exactly what was on my mind" he spoke while closing his holograms and going over to the teenager picking her up like she was still a child.

Tony carried Morgan upstairs after they had both finished their Ben and Jerry's pots and finished watching their movie.
He placed Morgan who looked incredibly tired on her bed and watched as the sixteen year old sat up.
"That face goes there" he said pushing her face back onto the bed while pulling the covers over her.
Morgan smiled, "what we doing Tommorow"
Tony let out a sigh he didn't know he had been holding in.
"I wanna go see nat and Steve" Morgan raised her eyebrow at this, over the course of the year after the blip, the two had visited nat and Steve a hand full of times three of those times being the birthdays of the three.
She did keep in contact with them though, just like she had kept in contact with all the others, especially Yelena.
"Why what's going on" she murmured sleepily, the tiredness starting to overcome her "Dont worry, it's nothing I can't handle I just.. I need to speak to them, in person"
Morgan's eyebrows knitted together with confusion as she tried to process her father's words.
"I love you tons" he said placing a kiss on her head
"I love you 3000" Tony smiled at the girl, that saying all ways made him smile, he felt appreciated and loved.
"Right" he said standing up and turning off her light,
"Go to sleep, or I'll sell all your Air Jordans and converse"
Morgan giggled at her father's antics before settling in her bed off to sleep.
The next day, Tony had drove him and Morgan to Nat and Steve's, they lived just under forty minutes away in a remote village.
When he parked his white Audi outside the modern house, his stomach turned knowing what he was about to ask them was probably going to be a shock to the system and he didn't know how they would react, or how Morgan would react.
He opened his door and walked to the door letting Morgan knock, a few seconds later, the door was opened and they were greeted by Nat who had James on her hip.
She smiled when she saw the two, but deep down she knew something was odd about their random visit to their house.
"Tony, Morgan, it's so nice to see you guys, come in"
She ushered the two into the house hugging them both on the way in.
James reached out the grab the two familiar faces and started to wimper when he noticed the absence of Steve.
Morgan and Tony sat down on the plush grey sofa facing the TV, the home was quiet spacious and it was somewhere nobody would ever have imagined the soldier and the spy would have lived.
The floors were laminate and the living room had a grey rug with a low glass table in the middle and a TV facing the sofa.
The kitchen was through the doorway behind the sofa, it was very modern with a island in the middle and several seats around it, around the sides of the walls were marble counter tops with miscellaneous resources on them.
Steve walked into the living room after coming down the stairs, his face lit up when he saw the stark duo, he had to admit his missed their company.
"Stark" he said approaching tony with a small smile, he patted him on the back and pulled him in for a hug.
"Hey uncle Steve" Morgan got up and hugged Steve after he had let go off tony.
"Hey M, I've missed you, how you doing"
Morgan pulled away from Steve smiling, "I'm good thanks"
Steve then took James from nat who was trying to console the young boys cries, "So, what brings you here" natasha asked almost turning the atmosphere on its head.
Tony gestured for them to sit down, even Morgan didn't know what was going on, " I could ask him the same question, not that I don't like seeing you guys, it was just unexpected" she told Natasha before looking back at tony.
The older stark tried to carefully find the words to explain the situation, "Yelena, Scott, Thor, Rhodey, Clint" he started "they have all come up with a way to bring everyone back"
Natasha looked at Steve and Steve looked at nat.
They both had an unreadable expression on their faces, almost as if they had been expecting this.
"Look tony-" natasha interrupted "I did it" tony muttered quickly "I have built a working time machine" Hearing this Morgan looked at tony with almost a sense of betrayal, the two had worked so hard to get on with their lives and get over their grief, and he was planning on undoing it all and potentially risking his own life.
"How could you do this!?" She said abruptly standing up, "you promised, you promised me you would stay with me" the teen was clearly distressed pacing the living room.
Natasha got up and pulled Morgan into a hug, "it's alright Morgan, me and Steve wouldn't have gone along with it anyway" her voice was laced with anger as she glared at tony.
"Tony we have James, we have built a life, and you want us to risk all of this for a 'chance' " Steve put extra work emphasis on the word chance.
James, picked up on the growing tension in the air and started to cry, Steve bounced him up and down on his lap hoping to soothe him.
"Natasha, Steve, we can bring them all back we can snap our own fingers, please just, just consider it"
Tony stood up looking at the pair.
"I think it's time you left Tony" natasha announced letting go off Morgan and squeezing her shoulder.
Tony just nodded and made his way to the door with Morgan.
"If you change you minds, let me know" that was the last thing he said before getting in his Audi with Morgan and driving away to the avengers compound to meet the others who he had texted this morning.
Author's note: What do you think will happen🤷‍♀️
Thanks for reading x

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