Chapter 40-Plans

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It was late in the afternoon when Morgan's phone buzzed with an incoming call from Peter,

Morgan listens intently as Peter explains his plans for homecoming with Liz. She can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment knowing that she won't be able to join them due to Tony's decision to pull her out of school.

"Wow, that sounds like it's going to be a blast," Morgan responds, trying to hide her disappointment. "I wish I could go, but you know how it is with dad".

Peter nods sympathetically, understanding Morgan's predicament. "Yeah, Mr Stark can be pretty strict sometimes," he agrees. "But hey, maybe we can do something fun another time."

Morgan manages a small smile, appreciating Peter's understanding. "Definitely," she replies. "Just promise me you'll have an amazing time at homecoming, okay?"

"Promise," Peter assures her, returning her smile. "And hey, if anything exciting happens, I'll be sure to fill you in."

Throughout the day, Morgan's frustration simmers beneath the surface, evident in her tense posture and furrowed brow. Despite her attempts to mask her emotions, her friends can sense that something is amiss.

Yelena notices Morgan's agitation as they train together, her normally sharp focus wavering as she misses a few punches. "Hey, you okay?" Yelena asks, concern lacing her tone.

Morgan forces a tight smile, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. "Yeah, just dealing with some stuff," she replies vaguely, not wanting to burden Yelena with the details.

As the day wears on, Morgan's mood doesn't improve. She snaps at Clint during a harmless prank, her frustration bubbling over. "Can you just give it a rest, Clint?" she snaps, her tone sharper than intended.

Clint raises an eyebrow, taken aback by Morgan's outburst. "Whoa, easy there," he says, holding up his hands defensively. "What's got you so riled up?"

Morgan shakes her head, unwilling to delve into the reasons behind her frustration. "It's nothing," she mutters, brushing off his concern.

But despite her attempts to brush it off, Morgan's anger lingers, casting a shadow over the rest of the day. As she retreats to her room that evening, she can't shake the feeling of disappointment and resentment gnawing at her insides.

In her room, Morgan paces back and forth, her mind swirling with thoughts of missed opportunities and dashed hopes. She feels trapped, suffocated by Tony's overbearing rules and restrictions. With a frustrated sigh, she flops down onto her bed, staring up at the ceiling as her thoughts continue to churn.

Just then, her phone buzzes with a notification. It's a message from Peter, asking if she's alright after their earlier conversation. Morgan hesitates before replying, unsure of how much to reveal. After a moment of deliberation, she decides to open up to him, typing out her frustrations with Tony's decision to pull her out of school and the mounting tension between her and her father.
She decides to do some research on the case her and Peter had been following before tony put an end to their missions.

As Morgan delves deeper into her research, she feels a knot form in her stomach. The pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place, revealing a startling connection between the Vulture and Liz's family. It's a revelation that sends a chill down her spine, knowing that Peter's date to homecoming is unwittingly tied to a dangerous criminal.

With a sense of urgency, Morgan sifts through news articles and online forums, piecing together information about the Vulture's criminal activities and his ties to Liz's father. The more she uncovers, the more she realizes the gravity of the situation.

Her mind races with possibilities, contemplating the best course of action. Should she confront Peter with her findings, risking his safety and potentially ruining his chance at a normal high school experience? Or should she keep this information to herself, knowing that ignorance may be bliss but could also lead to danger?

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