Till Death Do Us Apart

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I turned in my sleep, but to my surprise, my body didn't. My eyes remained shut, whether they were open or not didn't matter in pitch darkness. There was no dream I could recall, that wasn't unusual. What was unusual was the strange feeling between my legs, calling it strange would be wrong though, it was good. Real good. Really good, actually.

I groaned, too tired and relaxed to make a move to investigate. A long weight was wrapped around my chest, a wall of fur pressing against my back as well as two mounds. Shifting my hips a bit, an involuntary moan slipped past my lips, a low rumble vibrating through the wall. My left arm was trapped under Ana's hug while my right one was pinned beneath my own person. Then, it struck me; she was spooning me.

A thin smile, barely noticeable to the naked eye, appeared. A sigh followed by another moan. What was that? Why was I feeling like this? Was this all a dream? I didn't wonder much on the topic before I cleared my throat, shaking off some of my drowsiness with a shiver and a heavier exhale.

"Ana..." I grumbled, attempting to close my thighs but failing. I was starting to get annoyed, both at the good feeling and the lack of a response.

On second thought, once I listened closer, I got it. Breathing, labored and hot, hitting the top and back of my head.

"An..." I moaned, grasping the sheets with my left hand, "A-ana-"

"Shhhh, shhhhh~" A soothing voice I knew all too well finally replied, calming my nerves somewhat.

"W... wha... I-" Another moan interrupted me, confusion overriding all other emotions in that moment.

"It's okay... it's... mmm~" Her tongue passed over my hair, finding its destination behind my ear. I gasped at the contact, my eyes snapping wide open. Color didn't exist in my world, but shadows did. Although the natural glow of the moon barely broke through the lowered blinds, whatever did was enough to create an image in my mind; Ana was indeed spooning me, an arm around my torso and a leg over mine, that was to be expected of her, but then why was her hand on my-

I gasped even louder, my focus landing on her doing; stroking up and down in a slow, methodical pace was her hand, holding as you would a bottle of beer. Up. Down. Up. Down. Hiding my tip within her soft pads before exposing everything on the way to the base.

"A-ana! Wha-" her dormant arm sprung into action, her hand clamping around the lower half of my head, silencing further vocalizations.

"Shut." She tasted the sweat around my ear, taking deep whiffs of the secretions. Her hand started going a little faster, just a touch.

"Mmm! Mmmm..." I squeezed my eyes shut, writhing within her hold. The feeling was too good to be true, it had to be a dream. The lack of control was near maddening, but I didn't dare hurt her.

What was happening to me? I didn't want this, even if it felt so good. A muffled moan collided with her palm, her strokes grew quicker in succession. My eyelids drooped, my thighs rubbing against her arm in anticipation. I really didn't want this, but it just felt so good. I loved Ana, I did with all my heart, it's just... I wasn't ready for this.

Subconsciously bucking my hips into the air, my breathing became labored as well, more than hers. My muscles tensed and toes curled as the feeling grew to incredible proportions, an exponential increase in pleasure until...

I was released, my cock twitching in the air like a drifting joystick in an abandoned arcade. The hand around my mouth was also removed, a cry the first sound I made.

"Ana... A-ana..." I begged, her sticky hand rubbing the skin of my inner thigh.

"Alek... Alyoooosha~ I'm... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," her tone betrayed her, not a speck of regret behind her words. "I... I've been such a good girl... for so long..." Her hand moved up to my belly, the contact a little ticklish.

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