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A little bit of Mike x Vanessa to start won't hurt

Enjoy (if someone finds out about this I'm dead)
3rd person pov

It was a cold day Mike was at home bored and Abby was having a sleepover one of her friend's house.
No good program were on the TV, and it was also starting to rain.
"What a bad day" Mike tough, he was on the couch sitting in silence thinking what he could possibly do.
Until the phone rang

-Hi Mike! its me Vanessa I was...erm..wondering if you uh wanted to umm I don't t know go out to dinner? If umm you're free of course....yeah.
-sure I guess.. I'll be ready in a few minutes, we could go to that restaurants near Sparky's..-
-Sound GREAT! il be ready in a few minutes too! See you later then!-
Then the blonde hang up.
Was it really worth it? Well Mike was kind of in debt whit her since she helped him at Freddy's.
Vanessa seemed nervous on the phone, maybe she just had a crush on him.
Mike put on a nice shirt whit his security jacket (that no longer had the security badge on it) paired whit some nice black pants.
Before going to the restaurant he tough of buying some flowers just to be niche to her.

It was dark, night clubs were opening along whit discos and library were closing.
Mike continued walking until he noticed sparky's was closing, in the back of the cafe ness was locking the back door and was about to leave.
The two made eye contact.
Mike tough he could stop and chat a bit whit him.

Unfortunately cupid had already shot his arrow.

Oh boy! My "first" ever book I hope you like this chapter took me some time to make but I like how it turned out.

I'm tripled to write chapter two at this point and if you have ideas write them down!!!!

-this random ass wattpad user

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