I will love you

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Enjoy ( at ur own risk)
3rd person

Mike didn't show up to sparky's that day, nor the day after and after and after, Mike didn't show up for a week, but one day someone did show up.

-Abby?where's Mike? Are you alone? What happend?Is everything okay?-ness asked worried.
-Well Mike wouldn't bring me here, so I went here alone-Abby announced proud.
-oh god...Mike must be so worried....I'll take you back home don't worry little theorist (they often talk about cartoon theory), just wait here-
Ness said as he walked towards his boss.
-Scott there's a problem-
-Umm Abby needs to be walked back home by someone, she came all the way here just to see me, I was wondering if I could take a little break so I could bring her back to Mike's house, he must be so worried about his little sister-Ness asked clearly nervous.
-Ugh Mike, umm you know what? Fine but just because you're an exception, ten minutes am I clear?- Scoot replied in a serous tone.
-Yes!thank you!-Ness run ed to Abby who was still waiting for him.
-Alright Abby thanks for the visit, what do think if I walk you back home?-Ness proposed while holding Abby's hand.
-YAY! I'm so happy, did you know that miss unicorn actually as a son? Yeah, crazy! You see in the original cartoon....-Abby began discussing about her little theory's, they both began to walk towards Mike's home.
-And if you look closely there's also some more evidence that miss unicorn also has a daughter!-Abby said happy as they both approved Mike's house.
-Wow Abby! You're a relay good investigator!Oh here we are!-ness replied as he rang the doorbell, which a very worried Mike answered.
-Abby!here you are  and oh......hi ness... thank for bringing her back- Mike said as Abby entered his house.
-Hey Mike don't worry, I know you didn't show up these days at the cafe and....*sigh* I know how it feels...to be embarrassed and I *chuckle* I-.......nothing- ness said as he looked into Mike's eyes.
Mike was about to close and thank him when he felt his hand getting grabbed.
-Mike......please come visit me....please-ness whispered.
-I will....i would love-
Ness walked away

-I would love you..-

-Time skip-

-Mike, why does you face turn red like a  tomato when ness is here?I mean I like tomatoes but its weird, like that one time where miss unicorn tried to hide the fact that she doesn't have a son, which is suspicious,like what is she hiding? Anyways my theory is that......blah blah blah-
Oh Abby starts to talk and never shuts the fuck up.
-let's get you to bed..-Mike said trying to change the conversation.
-Hey! I'm not like miss unicorn she's evil I can feel it! She's always......blah blah blah blah-
(OH MY GOD SHUT UP🗣️🗣️🔥🔥❗️❗️)

-alright Abby want me to read you a story?-mike asked.
-No! I'm grown up, I don't need a story!I only like theorys! Yes miss unicorns theory's!! And *yaws* I'm confident that....I'll....-Abby yawed as she fell asleep-

-*sigh* miss theory knows too much..-

Miss unicorn is devious I can feel it guys she's evil.
SHES AMERICAN RAHHHH🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥❗️❗️🔥🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥🗣️🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅❗️

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