Dead flowers

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Ahhhhh chapter 6 I'm so happy!!
Also someone added my book to their library yay!!! ^^
Also this chapter r is gonna have 2 ending ( don't freak out)

Enjoy (at ur own risk)
3rd person

-Mike, be careful What if the animatronics are going to attack you?-Ness whispered as he was guarding the kitchen entrance.
-William is dead and the animatronics are "fixed" now- mike whispered back as he searched for clues in the kitchen's drawers.
-Why are we here anyways?-ness asked.
- I believe the story isn't over yet, it goes deeper something that we don't know and that William as been hiding-Mike replied while making his way to the fridge. said the animatronics were "fixed" right?they had children's souls inside them and now they won't hurt us but..-Ness said in a nervous voice.
-what?-Mike said as he was about to open the fridge.
-The cupcake doesn't have a child soul's inside it....the cupcake isn't fixed Micheal....-Ness replied in a terrified tone.


Mike opened the fridge too late to realize what Ness just said, The cupcake attacked him and Micheal was screaming in pain, and the cupcake was biting him until it stopped.
Mike opened his eyes,Ness was sitting next to the broken cupcake, bleeding seriously.

Mike's eyes were filed whit terror and fear.

Bad ending ( not canon to this story)

Ness was making eye contact whit Mike that was trying to heal Ness's wound, but whit no success.
-M-mike....I-I'm not gonna....make it...-Ness whispered as he saw Mike's starting to tear up.
-NO!NO!NO! NESS PLEASE!-Mile yelled as he hugged the brunette boy. you- Ness said as he got closer to Michael's face.
-I-I love you too...-Mike replied as he kissed Ness, who in a few minutes unfortunately died.
Happy ending (canon to this story)

-Don't worry Ness! I'll get you out of here!-mike said while picking up the injured boy.
-Mike...I-I don't know if I-Im gonna make it...-
-BULLSHIT, NESS PLEASE....I don't want you to die-
-w-why...why do you care about m-me....?-
That's all ness could hear, after that he passed out.

-Time skip-

-Ness? You have visits-the nurse announced to ness as she opened the door
-feeling better?I got you some flowers ....-Mike asked as he entered the hospital room while the nurse left.
-Hay Mike thanks for the roses, I'm felling better tomorrow I'll go home and start to work again, and*sigh* never mind-
Ness replied as mike got closer to him.
-tell me ness-
-Mike what you said in the pizzeria...before I passed out..-
-W-what did I say?-
Mike tried to play it off.
-I.....never mind-Ness replied.
-I'll leave you alone-Mike said as he put the flowers near the brown haired boy.

-I love you-Mike said after closing the door.
-I love you-Ness said as Mike closed the door.



I love how this book is turning out, and I hope you do too!!!

Anyways byeeee🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

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