Night confession

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Alr faz gang this is it (I think)
Ok so for a little bit of context it's the 20th of August and it also dark outside(very random i know).

Enjoy (at ur own risk)
3rd person.

Ness was standing there at the back of the cafe, waiting for Mike, still wondering what he was going to tell him...maybe it was the big question? can't be....I mean it could....i wish...-Ness mumbled to himself.
Ness looked around, there he saw Mike approaching the cafe.
His heart sank, why was he nervous?


A few second passed.
The two stared a each other, both just felling nervous, well not just nervous because mike had the felling someone was watching them.
And he was right, because at not much distant from them Vanessa was watching them, not in a creepy way but rather a curious one.
Now back to Mike and ness, Mike took a step closer to ness.
Mike took a deep breath.
-Ness.....every time I'm whit you I fell happy, every time I see you who Abby I realize how you can make her and me happy at the same time, Ness....-
Mike stopped than continued.
-Abby is it he only one who loves you..-
Mike then (finally🗣️🔥❗️) said.
Mike stared at Ness waiting for him to say something , but the only he got was a kiss, a nice passionate kiss.
Ness but his arm around mike's shoulders and Mike but his around ness's waist.
Ness couldn't believe what was happening, so much so that when Mike broke the kiss, ness asked him to pinch him, to see if it was a dream, which Micheal chuckled about.

(Oh and Vanessa ran away crying lol)

-I love you- Mike said. you too-Ness replied.
-do you wanna be my....-Mike asked before getting interrupted by Ness.
-YES! Yes! yes..! A milion time yes...I love you-ness yelled in response.
-wanna go home?-
-Yes but we need to tell you sister about this.-

They both then got to Mike's home and when Abby saw them holding hands he looked at them in a "what the flip is going on way".
So when they tried to explain to her what was going on it went like this:
-Hey Abby, Good news...Ness is staying here.-
Mike announced while facing Abby.
-Yes it's true, and we also need to tell you something-Ness added, Abby stared at them.
-do you know when Finn and Rapunzel got engaged and they started living together?
Mike asked.
Abby nodded .
-same thing is happening to us..-Mike said nervous.
Abby thought for a moment.

-Meanwhile in Abby's brain:
-oh they gay-

-Back to the present-
-YAYYYYYYYYY!!!! WE CAN STAY UP ALL NIGHT THEORIZING!!!!Abby yelled in excitement.
-I went well!-Ness whispered.
-Yeah...-Mike replied.

They both looked at each other and kissed.
This was not the end but a new begging.

(However) The end


No way whya the flippity flappity flap

Alr if you want a sequel or a one shot or something else or even a suggestion for another book, TELL ME!!

Thanks for reading and I hope you

Enjoyed (at ur own risk).

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