Come back again

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Another chapter :)
Enjoy (at ur own risk)
Also the guys in the picture ⬆️
Is Minitoon ( piggy's creator) my fav game developer
3rd person

It was yet another day the day Mike had the courage to.....
Go to sparky's! (Eheheh)
And of course bringing Abby whit him
Micheal walked past the entrance of the cafe and sat down at a table, which caught the attention of Ness, who rushed towards them. came! I'm so happy, and you brought Abby too! Hey Abby how the investigation going?-Ness asked full of joy.
-I'm close to finding the truth about miss unicorn's son! I can feel it!-Abby replied,-Hey ness I was wondering if you'd be free to investigate Freddy's pizzeria, I feel like there's more to know about that place, and I don't think Vanessa would be happy to come since that date-Mike announced whit a nervous voice ( he was basically asking Ness out)-Yeah! I can this weekend! Umm what about at 5pm this Friday when my shift ends?-Ness proposed.
-I'll go drop Abby to her friend's house-Mike replied.
-NESS!DOMT GET DISTRACTED! There are other clients!!!Scoot yelled from his office.
-Hey we'll go or I'm sure he'll kick us out!-Mike said -But you guys haven't ordered anything!-
-at least we paid you a visit -Mike blinked at Ness as he left whit Abby.

Ness blushed.

-BYE NESS!-Abby yelled while waving at Ness.

The only words that ness could think of the entire day.

When the day arrived Ness got out of his shift and made his way to the pizzeria, he brought a flashlight whit him and a bat ( you know if the animatronics get quirky).


Mike brought Abby to her friend's house for a sleepover while he's whit Ness

-Thanks for having Abby over for the sleepover!!We'll take care of her, Amber is really happy that she's here!
-I'll go pick her up at 10 am, and thanks again, I hope..she has fun
-Would you like some tea or maybe a coffe?
-No thanks I have a "date" very soon, but thank you anyways-
-Have fun Abby.-

-Time skip-

-Hey your finally here!-Ness said.
-what did you bring?-mike asked while pointing Ness's bag.
-A bat and a flashlight! Just I case- ness replied
-seems fair....let's go inside-Mike said as they both entered the pizzeria.

OHHHHHH the official date what will happen   In the pizzeria? Will Mike and Ness find some evidence of maybe uncover some secrets oorrrr maybe they'll instead find Cupid's arrow
Who know?

Mike x ness (Fnaf movie) Where stories live. Discover now