The arrow that shoot the wrong person

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LETSSS GO CHAPTER 2 I'm sooo happy

Enjoy (at your own risk)
3rd person
Mike couldn't describe the felling he had when he was whit ness, he liked him and wanted to hang out whit him he liked staying whit him talking whit him, his voice his hair, and don't get me started on how he looked at ness's eyes abby probably notice it, and many times tried to point it out, but without success.

As time passed ness also started to develope the same felling, reason why he stopped often at their table, which his boss, Scott ( if you know you know) didn't like, Mike was like a distraction to ness and scoot didn't like that, ness was one of his favorite employees, and when he was whit Mike he had to "scold" him multiple times.
But that didn't stop ness from staying much longer than it needed to be at Mike's table.

The two made eye contact

-closing? - Mike asked.
-yeah,my shift ended soon because of the weather, hey nice outfit Mike, Are you going out whit someone?-ness commented while blushing ( he likes the shirt rahhhh).
-I'm going out whit Vanessa I fell like she deserves to have a break after last week.
-Vanessa...oh yeah about last week  your right she *sigh* definitely deserves it...umm I'll go now fell free to pay me a visit tomorrow as always, and don't forget to bring Abby, I love the little girl she's so sweet!-ness replied while putting his jacket on.
-you don't have an umbrella or something..?-
Mike asked while staring into ness eyes, Micheal was almost hypnotized by his pretty eyes. actually but..I'll be..fine..-ness said while getting closer to him,as their faces were a few inch apart.

No, he was going out whit Vanessa, he was going to be late, he couldn't do this to her

-Fuck it-

Mike gently kissed ness and dropped the flowers, he put his arms around the brunette waist, while ness put his around Mike's neck.

-ness..-Micheal whispered as he broke the kiss.
-I'm...going to be late...-
-I-I we- WHAT ARE WE DOING?- ness yelled as he backed up.
-No! You're supposed to be whit Vanessa not me!-he continued to yell.
-I-yeah Yeah you're right...SHIT ITS TRUE MY DATE! I-IM SORRY NESS..-Mike said as he began to run in the restaurant's direction.

-Time skip lol-

Vanessa was outside the restaurant stil waiting for him
-Mike..? We're where you.. I almost left.-Vanessa said in a sad voice.
-Im sorry..I-......-Mike tried to come up whit an excuse.
-*sigh* it's fine don't!Its not "okay" I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU AND YOU DIDN'T SHOW UP! WE ARE DONE!-Vanessa yelled.
-WELL I WISH WE WERE!-Vanessa yelled in response as she ran away in tears.


Ness picked up the roses Mike bought for Vanessa, wishing they were for him,wishing Mike had bought it for him, not for Vanessa, him
And only him

Ohhhhh story's getting interesting uh?

I know I know it's kinda long but the bigger the bette-
Alr I'm kidding, hope you enjoyed I'll see y'all!!!

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