Chapter 2: Planning Over Coffee and Cookies

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The next day, Edna sits waiting in her local Cafe, sipping on her steaming black coffee.

She looks to the door when she hears a bell ring.

There stands L from Death Note. The fruity barista from the last story.

"Ah, L it's so nice to see you, darling!"

L flips his hair

"Anything for a fellow Girlboss," L says in his Blink 182 accent.

He sits down and starts nibbling on the chocolate chip cookies.

"You loved Mort more than I did, right?" asked Edna 

L nods

"He like, basically kept my bills paid he bought so many Crappachinos."

He took a bite of a cookie

"I don't even mind that he was my ex. I still wanted to be in touch, you know?"

Edna raised an eyebrow mischievously.

"So, you'd do anything to get revenge?" she asked the queer emo boy

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"So, you'd do anything to get revenge?" she asked the queer emo boy

L nodded.

"I'm going to kill McCaw. Along with everyone else that led up to Mort and King Juliens' death."

L seems disturbed.

"Seriously? Edna, you know how risky this is, right? McCaw is a cop. Once he's dead people won't rest until they find the culprit."

Edna shook her head.

"I don't care if I get caught. McCaw needs to die."

L sighed

"So, what's your plan?"

"That's why I brought you here, Darling."

L shrugged

"You really should have called my husband. He knows more about all this killing stuff..."

Edna seemed irritated now.

"I don't need someone who knows how to kill because I'm going to do that part. I need someone who loved Mort and King Julien as much as I did."

L covered his face with his hands and sighed like your Dad after you showed him your report card.

"Fine...who do you need gone?"

Edna smiled with satisfaction and placed a Post It Not on the table with names.

-Mister O'Hare

-Walter Hartwell White

-Dom McCaw

"Alright..." said L

"I know a guy that specialized in dealing weapons for a good price. When you get there, the prices will seem extremely expensive. Just tell him you are there for L Yagami. When you do that the man will tell you the new prices, got that?"

L handed her a business card with an address before he left.


                                                                      B&H Weapons

                                                                   - 59 Drahcoub Ave-

                                                               "If it kills, we have it!" 


KILL McCAW (A sequel to Mort X King Julien Lore)Where stories live. Discover now