Chapter 5: The Lady On The Phone

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Edna stepped inside her beautiful home and shut the door, making a loud slamming noise that echoed through the mansion.

Edna collapsed onto the ground and sighed in exhaustion.

"Who's 'They'?" she asked herself.

"It can't be McCaw...can it?"

She stared at the floor for a while. Her head throbbed and blood stained her clothes.

 Her head throbbed and blood stained her clothes

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" can't be..."

Edna pinched the bridge of her nose and clumsily got up.

It was still dark outside, the moon was full and especially bright.

Crickets chirped loudly outside.

She walked to her big red phone in a black cabinet and began to spin the dial.


The phone made a droning sound before she heard a woman's voice.


"Hello, Darling. I was wondering if Mr. White was still having that blood drive?" Edna asked while chewing on her thumbnail.

"Oh, yes, Uh-Mr. White is hosting it on..."

She heard the shuffling of papers

"Uh...Saturday, the eleventh."

Edna smiles

"Ah, that's just perfect. Thank you, darling💕"

Edna hung up and walked into her room.

The pumpkin spice candle was still lit, illuminating her Mort and King Julien designs with a haunting orange light.

She turned up the radio and blasted "West Coast" by Lana Del Rey.

She opened her large closet and found a cool black dress that would fit the occasion perfectly.

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Edna propped it up on one of her dress forms next to the Mort and King Julien outfits before feeding the Mort mannequin a cappuccino.

Edna walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

But not like that scene in 'Only God Forgives' but that scene in 'X'

But not like that scene in 'Only God Forgives' but that scene in 'X'

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Edna smiles smugly

"You're next, Walter..."

KILL McCAW (A sequel to Mort X King Julien Lore)Where stories live. Discover now