The Reason Behind the Intense Fight

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Word count: 3,100

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Devyani's pov –

It has been a week since the attack incident happened with Dev, and a week since he told me it was his uncle. Things have changed a bit in this time.

I hardly get to see him nowadays. He is always in his office room working on things he prefers not to share with me. I know he's planning on how to catch his uncle so he can't harm our family.

Dev's injury has healed, not completely, but he is in better condition.

The doctor has told him to rest for a few more days, but my stubborn husband doesn't listen to anyone. He says he's fine now, which I know he is not.

Dev only comes downstairs for his meals; which Sharda Mom forces him to eat. He has increased the security of the house because he doesn't want his uncle to harm any other member of the family.

During this whole week, one thought kept coming to my mind again and again: What was the reason behind the intense fight between Mrityunjay and Dev that day?

I thought of asking Dev about this, but we hardly get any time to talk to each other nowadays because he's always in his office room working. Moreover, whenever Dev and I come face to face, he seems frustrated, tired, and annoyed.

It's not like he's ignoring me; he answers me when I ask him something, but it feels like the Dev I knew has disappeared somewhere.

His face is dull, lacking its usual spark, and he seems tense all the time.

When Shalini Chachi found out that I knew about Sanjay Chacha Ji and what he did, she apologized to me. She felt sorry because my husband had to suffer because of her husband.

I reassured her that she didn't need to apologize. It wasn't her fault, nor was it Samar bhai's fault. In fact, I told her I was proud of her for standing up for the truth and going against her husband, which is not an easy thing to do.

I asked her about Mrityunjay, how he was, what did he liked to do. She smiled and told me many things about him.

Mrityunjay was a very talented guy. He had many skills, like cooking and painting. He used to cook lunch and dinner every Sunday for the family.

Unlike Dev and Samar bhai, he didn't want to join the family business. He always wanted to open a food restaurant and a small art gallery, where he could paint and teach others to paint and sketch.

Just like Kashish, he was the favorite of the Rajvansh family, especially Dev's. They were more like brothers than cousins.

When Shalini chachi was talking about Mrityunjay, there was a smile on her face but sadness in her eyes as she remembered all the past memories.

I can't imagine how much pain she must have felt. Shalini chachi, who is always very lively, funny, and cheerful, who always smiles and tries to make everyone smile around her, was hiding this pain in her heart.

I can't imagine how she managed to deal with the pain of losing her son and, at the same time, losing her husband when she decided not to support him. She lost both her son and her husband at the same time.

Despite the heaviness of the situation, I found solace in connecting with Shalini Chachi and learning more about Mrityunjay. It made me feel closer to Dev's family, understanding the depth of their bond and the tragedy they had endured.

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