Me Haar Gaya!

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Devendra's pov -

As I stood there, frozen in place, my heart shattered into a million pieces. I couldn't believe what was happening before my eyes.

Jay, my own brother, was holding Devyani hostage, with a broken glass dangerously close to her neck.

The woman I loved, the woman who meant everything to me, was in grave danger because of me. I shouldn't have allowed her to come here to meet Jay.

I had seen Jay getting aggressive before, but today, seeing this side of him was utterly unexpected. When did his heart turn so cold and unforgiving?

The Jay I knew was kind, compassionate, and fiercely loyal. But now, he was like a total stranger, a twisted shadow of his former self.

I never imagined that his hatred towards me ran so deep, that he would go to such lengths to exact his revenge.

He is not caring about anything; all he wants is his revenge. How had things come to this?

When had Jay become so consumed by anger and hatred that he was willing to harm an innocent person to seek revenge from me?

How could he use Devyani, someone who had done nothing wrong, as a pawn in his twisted game of revenge?

The sight of Devyani, her eyes filled with fear and desperation, tore at my soul. She is the light of my life, my reason for living, and to see her in such danger ripped me apart from the inside out.

I wanted nothing more than to rush forward and tear Jay away from her, to protect her from harm.

I wanted to scream, to lash out at Jay, but I knew that would only make things worse. I had to stay calm, had to find a way to reason with him, to make him see that this was not the answer.

Because one wrong move of mine could make things worse.

I still regret my decision of the night when Mrityunjay and I fought, how we let our anger control us, just because of Diya.

He took my car keys by mistake, stormed out in anger, and then the accident happened.

If only I had kept my cool that day and tried to handle the situation calmly, maybe my brother wouldn't be in this mess now.

I couldn't let history repeat itself.

So, with a heavy heart, I swallowed my rage and focused on finding a way to save Devyani, to make things right this time.

I knew the only way to come out of this situation was to make him understand Diya was never in love with him, that she was using him as a pawn in her revenge against me because I didn't reciprocate her feelings.

I had to explain that it was all part of her plan, how she had orchestrated everything, including sending those photos to him that made it look like I had kissed her, which I never did.

I have to make Jay understand that I never betrayed him, that I was always trying to protect him from Diya's deceitful schemes.

But whatever I am going to say, I had to be careful with my words, as whatever I said could have a profound impact.

There was no other way through which we can come out of this situation, without anyone getting hurt.

I didn't want to resort to violence against Jay because his health was already fragile.

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