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"Penny how are you. Its been a while since I saw you." "Kushi said smiling at preethi.
I am fine darling. I am so happy you finally came back" penny said returning the smile. She was same age as kushi but 3 months elder.
"Kiki nuvvu baga chikki poyavu em tinadamleda enti"
Nischay said looking kushi up and down.
(Kiki you are lean you are not eating proper food or what).
"Ha Annaya madam garu fitness freak kada em tini undaru em madam anthe ga"abbu chided
(Yes brother madam is a fitness freak isn't it so she must have stop eating am I right madam).
"Nothing like that annaya"kushi said expressionless.
"Ok kids stop,princess go take rest we have invited special guests for dinner so go now" parth said patting kushi's head.
Kushi's pov:
After a long time I am back. The last time I was here only thing that happened is bullying not by the outsider but the ones my dad consider as a family.
The riazadas
The name it self gives me nightmares. In particular Akash and Anjali both whom bullied me due to my weight and Akash along with his gang bullied me when ever there is an occasion. Neither My brothers nor penny was around when they bullied me. I used to be a doormat and shy kid. But not anymore I will stand up for myself this time.
End of pov:
Evening 7:30
It almost dinner time the guests arrived.
It's none other than riazadas. They are surprise by kushi's sudden return. Last time they saw her was 7 years back. One fine morning 7 years back they came to know that kushi went to college far from Delhi. Now she was back and they super surprised.
Kushi who wake up from her nap. Rushed down when she saw the time. But was expecting to see riazadas. But she was shocked to see "the ASR"

Hey guys back with another update sorry for delay here we have our hero ❤️

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Hey guys back with another update sorry for delay here we have our hero ❤️.
Next update kushi's strong stance against the matriarch of the riazadas.
Kushi and arnav's meet.
The bullying will be revels In upcoming updates.
Sorry for short update next one will be long
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