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Kushi pack her bags already and get ready to move.
She was controlling herself not to explode. It took every little bit of patience she had to not to burst out.
She was still scared that parth might not belive her when she says how akash and Anjali bullied her. After all did he ever belived kushi. The answer is simple no. It's will be her word against them and no one I mean no one in her family would belive her.
She proposed family therapy only to escape from her family.
Kushi was standing in her going to be ex bedrooms balcony for one last time.
After her miniature outburst she knew they would never defend her or take a stand of her.
Tears started to roll down from her eyes as she stared at stars.
Suddenly a Hanke came to her sight making her startled.
It was arnav.
Arnav: why are you crying kushi, it is because of your family. He paused a bit and chuckled mirthless.
Don't expect anything from anyone kushi, it will only give you pain. Can I suggest you something kushi.
Kushi nodded her head yes.
"Be strong kushi, don't act strong. If my guess is right you are still hiding something from your family.
Am I right or am I right".
Kushi was stunned. Her hazel orbs filled with tears were gazing his brown orbs. Arnav felt bad for her he can see himself in her. After all his Nani always treat Anjali than him, he was just an ATM for them. Just like kushi he was always considered as lesser priority.
"Tell me kushi what are you hiding"
Kushi can't contain herself she collapse on to ground crying. Arnav who can't see her like that embrace her wispered sweet nothings in her ears. She for the first time felt she was not alone she burried herself into his warm embrace and cried. After what feels like eternity she started to talk.
"Arnav, I am afraid, afraid that if I tell my father that she paused
"That" arnav prompted her to continue.
" that akash and Anjali are the one's that bullied me he won't believe me" kushi said in one go.
Arnav froze, up until that point he taught Anjali was evil but akash was news for him. His anger rose as kushi started to tremble.
Kushi who saw anrav anger started to regret opening her mouth. But what arnav did shocked her.
Arnav hugged her and started to say sorry.
" I am sorry kushi, I don't know, I should have atleast observe your behavior with them, I am sorry after knowing what kind of person Anjali was I..I " arnav couldn't complete as kushi hugged him back and her voice was heard "It's not your fault arnav, I should have said, but no one will belive me and think I was lying I tried once but akash manipulated things and painted me as if I had anger issues. Their harassment has gone as far as ...."
Kushi clutched arnav's shirt and started to sob. Arnav was broken again after seeing what did his so called family has done with kushi. But one thing that still bothering him was if kushi has endured a lot of bullying from beginning why did she ran away from her house only after her 12th something is a miss. He was thinking worse case scenario and his thoughts came true when kushi said her next words.
"Akash planned to misbehave with me and spoked inappropriate words about my body, as I told my dad about their bullying, I got scared and ran away as I thought something bad would happen to me if I stayed" kushi at this point hyperventilating as she was recalling Akash's gruesome words.
Arnav was trying to comfort kushi and trying to calm her down.
He knew one thing for sure all the therapy she went through was futile as her family was not in her support and kushi was deeply attached with her father as his words and actions still effects kushi as much as she can't even share her misery with him. Kushi's mental health will only improve when either parth support kushi 100% or kushi should break her unhealthy attachment with her father. Kushi hates being doormat and want to be strong but her emotions are controlling her when ot comes to parth. Kushi's indifference to his Nani's and Sheetal's words proves she was trying to move on. So he decided to help kushi and he badly wanted to punish akash and Anjali but he has to wait his first priority was kushi and her wellbeing. Once kushi started to feel better he will show consequences of harming ASR's family to his so called brother and sister.
Yes kushi has become his family after Aman, Kushi was the only one who arnav showed his concern. Only thing she needed is trust and understanding.
Kushi exhausted of all drama fainted in arnav's arms. Arnav carried her to her bed and laid her down. He was about to move but kushi clutched his collar tightly he smiled and gently removed her hand creased her hair, covered her with blanket and kissed her forehead much to his surprise and left from their,
Silently promising that he won't let kushi turn into him an emotionless and angry person. She should smile and be happy just like her name and he will make it possible.
Unknown to him he started to show his emotions to kushi.
Let's see what this leads them to
On the other side
Abhyudaya and Nischay both heard kushi and arnav's conversation, they regret not standing up for kushi. Being big brothers it's their duty to look after their sister's wellbeing and they failed.
But now they want to redeem themselves and be there for kushi, they will definitely join family therapy with kushi wholeheartedly and support her no matter what. Even if their dad be there for her or not.
They so badly wanted to punish akash and Anjali but they will wait, wait until they gain their sister's trust until kushi herself cofide her misery them and they won't force her.
It doesn't mean they will spare akash or Anjali. They won't do anything directly but no what happen behind the scenes.
That's it for now
My vacation are going on so I am giving a lot of updates.
Because after vacation I have a month long Examinations so
Here is arshi moment small but this was just beginning.
Last update kushi's outburst was plain I understand but it was needed because really humans don't work in that way it took a lot of courage to expose our bullies especially when we know that no one belives us.
The same thing happens with kushi.
She just want to go away.
I hope you understand my intention
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