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Shock would be the understatement for kushi. Last time she talked with her brother she came to know that arnav had a huge fight with Nani and Anjali and he moved out many  try to reason with arnav to change his decision and Come back to Shantivan but he was hellbend on not to.
He stopped visiting rajwanshi sadan so he wouldn't cross paths with riazadas.
He refused to say the reason of his fight with Nani and Anjali.
After the emotional blackmail from twins he was finally agreed to be under the same roof where his sister and grand mother are.
Even Nani and Anjali refused to say the reason about arnav's sudden anger.
It's more of a hurt.
Remaining riazadas and Shyam are unaware of the reason.
Anjali made them swore on herself  not to ask her about the reason and knowing the reason from asr is next to impossible.
Being best friends abhyudaya and Nischay don't know the reason.
But one person apart from the three knows the reason It's none other than
ASR's loyal and most trusted person
Aman Mathur

But one person apart from the three knows the reason It's none other than ASR's loyal and most trusted person Aman Mathur

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But for once we can get information from asr. But getting information from Aman is impossible.
Asr was surprised to see kushi. She changed a lot from when he saw her last time.
The tension in the air is clear for all.
Kushi was wearing a simple t-shirt and pants she let her hair loose she used to have short hair now it was long and reached upto her knees.
She was still a bit sleepy 😴 🥱.
But when she saw asr the sleep vanished and shock and confusion takes place.
Asr stifled a chuckle looking at kushi's shocked face he already guessed her confusion.
On the other side the riazadas are stunned to see kushi as a totally different person.
Most shocked was Akash and Anjali. But there is another person who was shocked too she is none other than Sheetal.
Sheetal and Aman entered at the same time much to aman's ditaste.
Abhyudaya and Nischay were annoyed as well but couldn't say anything due to riazadas presence.
But Preethi was annoyed for different reason.
Seeing Aman there she was annoyed 😒.
Arnav was pissed he wants to leave but kushi's sudden screaming stopped everyone In their tracks.
"Morons, Pani cheyadam rakapothe manesi intlo kurchondi"(if you don't know how to work then sit at home)
" I am not paying you for saying sorry"

"Idiots, it's not even 24 hours I've reached and here I am hearing complaints".
"Look I don't need your apologise, by tomorrow morning the mistake should be rectified"
"Salary bagane tesukontunav kada work kuda finish chey"
(Your taking your salary on time right now finish the work on time too)
"Don't give me a daam excuse, I don't f***ing care either you finish the work or you're fired "
Saying so she cut the call she was still angry on that moron.
Realisation hit kushi when she turn around to find her family dumb struck at her colorful vocabulary.
If glaring could kill someone kushi would have been dead by the parth's intense glare.
Kushi smiled sheepishly and uttered a sorry.
Nani,Mami,mama were clearly displeased. It more of an orthodox think of a girl shouldn't use such language.
But abhyudaya,Nischay and penny are having fun as their father for the first time giving a huge lecture for kushi.
Arnav and Aman are amused at her way of speaking and remaining are stunned as ever so meek kushi was not the doormat anymore.
Everyone sat for dinner as it was getting too late. Kushi was extremely irritated as first that moron Rahul (not so important now but later) did a huge mistake and her father was hellbend on giving her a nice long lecture.
"How is it to have a lecture from dad"
Abhyudaya said egging kushi
"Ha ha tell us your experience " penny joined.
Even Aman and Nischay joined in teasing her. Aman met kushi once but they instantly clicked so he also become a close confidant of kushi. Over the years when ever abbu and nonu visit her they used to call him and thus a bond formed. But asr never initiate a conversation with kushi he was some what reserved person. But there was always a comfortable silence between them.
"Oh stop it guys it's fine I did use a foul language and Dad was pissed about it" kushi said irritated.
"Then why did you use such a language "Sheetal chided unnecessarily.
She want to become good in everyone eyes.
"Who are you?" Kushi asked purposefully to embarrass Sheetal.
"Sheetal,Sheetal Kapoor how can you forget her kushi?" Anjali sided Sheetal.
Sheetal was too shocked to respond.
After she got out from initial shock she said "no problem di it been 7 years since we last met so she might not remember me, but kushi I will give you an advice never speak like the way you spoke a few minutes back as women we should kind and gentle, you are rude and uncultured. I seriously doubt how did to manage to complete your education with such an attitude " After Sheetal finished with her bs Nani was all gaga over her.
While rajwanshi siblings were fuming along with arnav and Aman.
Parth was furious he cannot tolerate anyone defaming his little one.
"Miss Kapoor first of all it was just advice not an advice "kushi said with Clam expression. That everyone was dumbfounded is she for real like who correct grammatical mistakes while someone insults you.
"And heck ya I can use that language cause I run a company and dealing with such people in that way is my work. My father was upset not because I use unparliamentary language but I use them infront of audience" kushi dropped yet another bomb on the family.
Sheetal was hell embarrassed.
"Woah kushi you run a company I never knew what kind of company? Aman asked out of curiosity.
"A construction company, I am a civil engineering precisely I have completed my m-tech in structural engineering "
Kushi said.
Except rajwanshis everyone felt numb with different emotions she was a CEO of a company she used to be a doormat but now.
"Wow thats amazing "asr complimented
Everyone was gobsmacked he never did that
Kushi gave him a small smiled which strried something in his stomach.
But the words Nani said leave everyone furious " Who will marry such an uncultured and attitude girl no manners chii"
This sure stir the family drama.
That's it for the day I hope I clear the doubts.
Opinions will clash and next episode is going to verbal spat between Nani and kushi
Stay tune

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