coretan dua belas; I JUST EXIST

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Something has changed. I'm not the same anymore. I hate the new me, but i don't want to be old me again. Everything sucks. I dont know how many times i've said that, but everything sucks. I want a new life but i don't know how to start it. I'm tired of always running from everything. After that time, i stopped learning about everything. It feels like something from myself is missing;  i dont even write poems anymore, i don't even look for something better anymore, i don't have goals, i don't have something that makes me so exited anymore. I was stuck in that time. Waking up every morning and just doing all the things that i don't even like. I don't even dream about anything anymore; sometimes i miss that little girl who always dreamed about all the impossible things and was happy to make them real. Right now i just life without ... everything. Oh yeah i just exist. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 10, 2024 ⏰

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