Chapter 8: White Knight Syndrome

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White knight Syndrome. I have white knight syndrome! That has to be it! That absolutely has to be it! Even though Rogue saved me in dream form I somehow fell for him and I fell hard. I've been avoiding him and Sting and so far it's been awful. My nightmares seem to have gotten worse. It's to the point that I can barely stand being around Natsu, Erza, and Gray. Each and every time I have a nightmare (every time I sleep), Rogue and Sting save and comfort me. I usually wake up longing for their presence.

I tend to see them in the guild a lot more recently. I normally leave when I see them, which has not gone un noticed by Rogue. I tend to sneak glances at him when I can and I notice when he sees me, there's hurt in his eyes. I eventually had to stop looking at him all together to spare myself from the emotional (sometimes physical)pain.

I sigh as I trudge out of my apartment. I walk on the street instead of the edge of it, feeling too depressed to balance myself.

"Lucy." A familiar voice says and I turn around, shock evident on my face.

"Um hey Rogue. What's up?" I say nervously and refuse to look directly at him.

"Can we talk?" He asks, while his eyes plead for me to say yes.

My mind begs me to say yes, but I remember the conversation Loke and I had a few weeks ago and I find myself shaking my head 'no'. I notice Rogue's expression morph into one of slight anger, but surprisingly I'm not intimidated or even frightened. "Let me rephrase that: We need to talk." He growls and my eyes widen in disbelief before they narrow.

"I said no." I glare at him with venom. I don't care how much I like him; no one's going to talk to me like that.

He grabs my wrist, his eyes watching mine. He then decides to grab my waist and shove me under his arm like luggage.

"HEY LET GO OF ME! THIS IS KIDNAPPING! LET GO!" I yell while trying to wiggle my way out of his hold. To my surprise he begins to whistle casually, which causes me to bite him. Of course he doesn't react and I think I hear him chuckling. I start pouting as I attempt to think of ideas to escape. My keys! They can help! I try to grab them, but I don't feel them on my belt. I groan when I come to the conclusion that I left them at home again.

I soon tire myself out and stop struggling. I feel my eyes start to droop until they finally flutter closed. Surprisingly I have no nightmares not even a dream. It was a peaceful nap overall. I wake up and notice that I'm on a familiar bed. I hear arguing and I sit up to find the sources. I see Sting and my kidnapper, Rogue.

"You can't just go around kidnapping people because they're avoiding you! I thought you were supposed to be the logical one in this relationship!" Sting groans.

"Shut up, she's awake now idiot." Rogue says and then walks towards me. I glare at him and scoot backwards until I hit the wall.

"What's your problem!? You can't just go around kidnapping gorgeous girls!" I yell and he quirks an eyebrow in response. I look over to see Sting snickering in the background. Rogue stops when he reaches the bed and takes in a breath of air.

"You're my mate." He says. I blink a couple of times before yelling.


"Well this just got awkward." Sting comments.

"Um-what does this mean exactly?" I question. I know a little bit about it from what Natsu told me, but not much.

Rogue takes a seat on the bed and begins to speak, "A dragon slayers mate is supposed to be a dragons slayers equal. Normally they would pick a mate who's strong willed-"

"Wait so you get to pick your mate?" I blush.

"Not exactly...there's something's like an..." Rogue struggles to find the right words.

"Imagine that there's a mini dragon inside of us and his mini dragon likes you." Sting explains.

"That sounds dirty when you put it that way..." I respond and I fill my face heat up once again.

"Just go with it Blondie." He rolls his eyes.

"As I was saying," Rogue sends a glare towards Sting, who just shrugs in response. "A dragon slayer chooses a mate who can hold their own. They don't rely too much on others and they're usually loyal."

They don't rely too much on others.

Mate who can hold their own.

Did I really fit those qualifications? Realization yet again dawns on me. Those thoughts and nightmares never happened around Rogue and Sting, only around Fairy Tail. I never feel like I'm weak when I'm around these Sabertooth guys. Only around Fairy Tail. The nightmares got worse when I avoided Rogue and Sting. These nightmares aren't a phase. They aren't just bad dreams. They're somehow connected to Rogue and Sting. Whatever this is wants me away from Fairy Tail. Whatever this is wants me closer to Rogue and Sting, but why? Was the mating thing a coincidence? It has to be. You can't just plan something like that.

"Blondie? Lucy? Lulu-"

"Lulu?" I question the blonde dragon slayer.

"It got you out of your thoughts didn't it?" He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"You ok?" Rogue asks and I give him a smile.

"Peachy." I reassure. "But, I don't like the idea of feeling forced into it, so we're doing it my way. You're going to take me out on a date and get to know me."

Rogue gives me an amused facial expression before agreeing.

"Congrats Blondie, you got Rogue to show more facial expressions than most people see from him in their life time. Rogue responds by throwing something towards Sting, but of course he dodges and I hear glass shattering. Where did he get glass from?

"Hey no need to throw things." Sting raises his hand in 'defeat'.

"I should go. I'm running out of money to pay for rent." I sigh while getting up. Rogue nods and Sting gives me thumbs up.

Now all I need to do is figure why I'm getting these nightmares and who is causing them.

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