Chapter 7

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“Thank you.” I murmur to the boys after I finish my soup.

“Um you’re welcome, I guess.” Sting blushes, while Rogue nods.

“You should get some sleep.” Rogue states and I comply by snuggling under the covers.

“Lucy.” Erza cries with disappointment, “You could have saved them.”

“I-I couldn’t, I’m too weak.” I sob out a glob of tears. “

“Maybe that you’re problem.” Gray interjects with a voice filled with pity, which makes me slightly angry.

I hear footsteps rumble behind me and I swirl around quickly. Natsu’s there with pain clearly in his eyes. “Lucy, you’re my best friend and you’ll always be my best friend, but I don’t think you should go on missions with us anymore. They’re too dangerous for you, look others are getting hurt because of you. You’re not only putting yourself in danger, but you’ve got these innocent people killed.”

I gasp awake yet again, but I refuse to let tears fall. I look around to that there’ no one here, so I grab my keys and head out the door. The sun gleams in my face as I trudge towards Fairy Tail. After twenty grueling minutes, I finally make it and as soon as I walk in I find myself being tackled.

“N-Natsu get off me!” I accidently let a little of my anger from earlier in my voice.

“Lucy where have you been!? You weren’t home this morning and-wait…” Natsu sniffs me, which attracts team Natsu’s attention.


“Why do you smell different? You kinda smell like…” His eyes widen in realization. “Are you ok?! Did they hurt you?!” He begins to inspect me as if he was a doctor, but as soon as he touches my skirt up I Lucy kick him through a wall.

“Hey flame brain, mind telling us what’s going on.” Gray demands as soon as Natsu crawls back from the wall. I take that moment to stand up and walk towards the bar, where Erza and Gray are sitting.

“I can smell Sting and Rogue on her, she reeks of them.” He…growls?

“Sounds like he’s jealous.” Erza teases and I flush at the comment. “Wait did you say Sting AND Rogue!” She screams with a blush riding up her face. My eyes widen almost instantly and I could practically see what Erza is thinking.

“N-no It’s not like that! They-um- helped me-“

“Helped you with what exactly?” Gray quirks an eyebrow and I notice Natsu frowning.

“She was walking around in the middle of the night, shoeless, like an idiot.” The devils themselves walk in. “We didn’t know if you were still sick or not, so we decided to check on you. Don’t get used to it.” Sting looks away with a tinge of pink crossing his cheeks.

“Oh-um sorry for just leaving like that, but no one was there and…um yeah….” I feel myself getting flustered when my gaze reaches Rouge. What the hell? Why do I suddenly feel like this about him? A day ago I wouldn’t even dare to think of him other that an acquaintance, but something changed last night. I scrunch my face up in confusion.

“Lucy? You ok?” Gray questions with a concerned tone. I notice Rogue stare at me. He seems to have a confused expression on his face. Maybe he’s experiencing something similar to me?

“Yeah sorry I was just thinking about something. I think I should go home and make sure Natsu didn’t touch anything.” I shoot the Salamander a glare before smiling at Rogue and Sting. “Thanks again for last night.” After that I walk out the guild and walk towards my home.

Once I arrive and lock my door, Loke appears in a flash of light. His expression is serious and grave. He walks over slowly and gives me a hug, which reminds me of the first night I had a conversation with him. “I’m sorry Princess.” He murmurs in my hair.

“For what?” I finally hug him back.

“Of all things; I can’t protect you from a few stupid nightmares.” He snarls out obviously angry at himself. I lightly push his chest, so that his face is in front of mine.

“How do you know about them?” I question him sternly.

“We’re your spirits; we need to be able to keep an eye on you every once in a while.” He smiles sadly at me.

“They’re just nightmares Loke, there’s no need to worry about me.” I smile at him in attempt to make him feel better.

“But they’re not just nightmares are they? I can tell that they affect your thoughts. Whatever it is, it bothers you and don’t you bother lying about it either.” He says in a tone which is frightening, low, and calm.

“Please don’t worry about that ok? I’m fine; I guess all my thoughts are just catching up to me. It’s probably a late reaction to my dad’s death. When I was young, a few weeks after my mom died, I would have nightmares all the time.” I whisper softly to him making the air around us feel cold.

“Oh there’s also something else I need to talk to you about.” He says after about five awkward minutes.

“What is it?”

“Rogue and Sting, I don’t think you should be around them. I get a bad feeling about them.” He admits and my eyes widen in response.

“What are you talking about? What do you mean you have a bad feeling?” I stare at him in disbelief. What could be wrong about those two? The people who, just last night, helped me when I was sick.

“Something just doesn’t feel right when you’re around them. It’s like I feel danger and it worries me.” He explains and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. What could be dangerous about them? Well besides the fact that they could destroy three towns by themselves. But, they wouldn’t do that…would they? I shudder at the thought.

“Ok.” I agree, “I’ll try to avoid them to the best of my ability.” Once a say that I see that Loke relaxes and smiles at me. His smile soon turns into a smirk and he lifts my hand to his lips.

“I’m sorry princess, but I must depart. I’ll think of your beautiful face every second of every day.” He winks before he disappears in a flash.

“Weirdo.” I mutter before heading over to the tub and taking a relaxing bath.

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