Ch. 10: The Shot Heard. . .

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Falling. . . I was falling. I couldn't see anything, nor could I hear anything, except the wind rushing past me. Soon enough, I fell on something, a large spike. It dug through my flesh and pierced through me.

Laughter. . . A mocking laughter. A voice I've never heard before. I was choking on my own blood and saw my organs skewered on the spike outside of my chest. I want to scream. I want to cry. I can't. I don't have a face. I slammed onto the floor, a foot stomping on my head, and something grabbing my wings, ripping them off. Since they were connected to my shoulder blades and spine, those were pulled as well. I didn't die though. . .

"Look at you. Groveling. Pathetic. Wasted and Gasping for air? You don't get to go yet, though. Once your planet is in ashes, then you have my permission to die" The laughing voice mocked. Who was it? It was masculine. "Dear, why not let him see how much he's failed? Let him watch as his work is brought to zero~" A feminine voice said. I've never heard this voice either. 'Who are they? What do they want from me?'

The next thing I knew, my eyes opened, and I saw the world in ruins. The cities humans built, crushed into flaming masses. Shadows of their past glory. I felt a hand grab my head by my hair, pulling me to the right, making me see Godzilla Mothra and Rodan. Godzilla's dorsal plates were broken off and his face was torn off. I saw his stomach and intestines spilled out but not falling out. I saw Mothra, her wings burned and her stomach open wide with her ribs pointing outwards. She had her heart where her mouth was, her own katana stabbed through the back of her head and following out through her heart. I didn't want to look at Rodan, because if she was like these two, I don't know if I could take it. They didn't care, and I felt a heel stab into my side, making me tear up in pain. I still couldn't speak, or move. The hand moved my head towards where Rodan's body was. I saw Rodan, her arms broken and her wings stabbed through her. Her mouth was broken open, her jaw unhinged. She didn't have legs, nor did she have eyes. I felt myself beginning to cry. My own teacher's brutally mauled corpse in front of me. I wanted to scream. Let me scream. Please, let me scream.

It didn't end there. I felt a knee hit the back of my head again, making me look somewhere else. I saw the other girls. I saw Gojira, Angurius, Rodan's look-alike, Caesar, a Mothra look-alike, and even Gojira's daughter. All of them, brutally killed just like the three. I didn't know them, yet I didn't want to see this. I know I've killed, but that was for my survival. I did it so I could eat, and live. The way their corpses are, these two people only did it for the thrill. . .

"Didn't you have a mate? I wonder how she'll react when your weakness is shown here~" The feminine voice said again. I can tell that this isn't real, but it feels too complex to be a simple nightmare. Then I felt someone else.

"Neo, wake up. This isn't a dream, but a vision. A vision you can change, but for now you need to wake up!"

I jolted up, looking around and seeing the cave. I was in my home, and I saw Hala beside me. She slowly moved and got up, her eyes tired. "Master? What's wrong, why are you crying?"

". . . Something's coming. I can tell. It's strong, almost beyond our control. I. . . We need to get stronger"

"What are you talking about?"

As if to ease the tense atmosphere, Godzilla roared. He was close, so I got up and was ready to get out of the cave. As soon as I did, I saw him looking up at the sky, as if he was staring at something. He instantly noticed me and turned to me, his eyes were that of hate. He took a step towards me. I didn't want there to be any fights this early, so I held my hands up and backed away. He noticed my action and stared in confusion.

"What are you doing here Godzilla?" I blatantly asked, as he shouldn't have known where we lived, we were on a different island after all.

"I. . . Listen, it pains me to ask this, especially from someone who tore my Queen's wings off of her back, but I need your help. Something strong is coming, and I know you feel it too. . ."

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