Ch. 6: My Fight

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I had been in this new world on this strange island for about three weeks. Each week, Halakrah would try and mate with me, at first I thought it was a joke, but she genuinely loves me. I don't know how to take it or what to do.

This island had plenty of wildlife, Halakrah said it reminded her of Skull Island a little bit. I never really knew about her home aside from stories she'd tell me from time to time. From what I hear, sounds like an amazing place to call home. . . For Kaiju at least.

I was currently bringing back a giant tiger-like beast. When I had tasted its flesh, it tasted great. I decided to bring multiple back to the cave me and Halakrah took refuge in. It was on the bottom of the mountain that was in the centre of the island. When I came back to the cave, I noticed she wasn't inside. At first I though she also went out to hunt, but then I had a bad feeling in my stomach. . .

I heard an explosion, a loud one at that. I dropped the beasts and flew towards the source of it. I saw Halakrah shouting at someone. As I got further into view, I saw him. . .

"Godzilla. . ."

He was also in one of the parasites bodies, with a few of his past traits. His hair was long and a deep grey with a blue underside, from his fingers to his elbows were covered in scales. His back and tail still had his dorsal plates, radiating the same blue as before.

 His back and tail still had his dorsal plates, radiating the same blue as before

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"There he is! Come on, Neo, are we going to let him get away from us again?!"

The voice in my head was loud, but it was right. He's not leaving this time.

I roared loudly, causing both Halakrah and Godzilla to look at me. Godzilla roared back and Hala dashes by my side. She was injured, he had hurt Halakrah. He hurt MY Hala!

I turned over to her and inspected her wounds. She had claw marks on her arms and one on her back, he must've ambushed her from behind and attacked her then. She had an indent on her throat, she was choked out for a time. Finally, a large burn on the left side of her stomach. I had looked into her eyes and turned back over to Godzilla.

"Halakrah, go back to the cave, I'll see you there. . ."

"But I need to stay with you, Master!"

"That was an order from you master, go to the cave, and rest up. I don't want to yell at you, so go"

She seemed to understand, and limped back to the cave to take a rest. This was already personal , so now I just had another reason to kill this bastard.

"You think you can kill me alone, abnormality?" He said trying to belittle me.

That word again. . . That damn word. . .

“Abnormality”. . . What about me makes me an abnormality? I don't know, but right now, I don't care. . .

"Say what you want, but my fight with you is personal, Godzilla"

✓The Evolved Muto: A Kaiju Girls FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now