◢ Eijiro Kirishima ◣

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Alr so made this because my bestie loves this guy (and I don't blame her-)

So we are getting a shy boi for this chapter and I absolutely love it.

So enjoy :D

Kirishima and Kaminari were walking to the newest restaurant in Japan: Koshi Garden Chinese food. The reviews were really good, and they decided if chef Bakugo liked the food, it needed to be good.

"Yeah and I heard the waitresses are so hot there" Denki said with a smirk on his face.

"Eh. I hope so. I don't care what they look like, as long as they are nice." Kirishima said, shrugging his shoulders.

They both walked into the restaurant. It was huge with what seemed to be an endless amount of workers there. Millions of tables and chairs. It even had an upstairs with a balcony along with it. 

"Oh, hello. Just the two of you?" One of the workers at the front desk asked.

"Yes, ma'am." Kirishima said.

"Perfect. Follow me." The lady said while gathering menus. She led them to their tables and they got settled in.

"Man, this place is so crowded." Kaminari said, looking around the place. 

Kirishima laughed. "Yeah, I guess that's because its new."

Kaminari and Kirishima talked for a few minutes. About being heroes, UA, and a little bit of their love life.

"Ok, ok, simp king." Kirishima joked

"Yeah, yeah. So who's YOUR crush?"

That question made Kirishima blush a little bit. Only one person came to mind.

"Hello, my name is Y/n and I'll be your waitress, what can I get for you?

Kirishima looked over at the waitress. "Y-Y/n!?" He said in a shocked tone of voice. His eyes were wide open as he blushed a deep pink. "I- I didn't know you worked here!" 

Y/n let out a chuckle. "Oh, right. I work here as a side job to earn money. Guess I forgot to tell everyone." They said, scratching the back of their neck in a nervous way. 

"That's her? Great choice, man!" Kaminari whispered in Kirishimas ear, nudging his shoulder.

"So...can I get you something to drink?" Y/n said, taking out their notepad and pen. 

"Yeah! Sure! I'll take a water." Kaminari said in a confident voice as meanwhile Kirishima was having an anxiety attack. "I-I'll have the same as Denki." Kirishima said quietly but loud enough to hear.

"Got it!" Y/n said, then walking away.

"Wow, Kirishima. Didn't know you were such a wreck around her. Don't blame ya though. She is kinda ho-

"K-Kaminari, please. I'm actually having a panic attack." Kirishima said, cutting Kaminari off. 

"Yeah, sorry bro. You wanna leave? We can just get the water and go."
"N-No. It's alright. It wouldn't be very manly of me to just leave."

"Ooook!" Y/n said, coming towards the table with two waters. "Two waters. What would you like to eat?"

"I'll take the pork, thank you." Kirishima said, trying not to make it obvious that he is dying inside of how much his heart is racing.

"I'll take a double cheeseburger!"
"Kaminari, this is a chinese resturant-"

"oh. Right. I knew that! I'll have some sushi then. Uh- California roll."

"Alright. Coming right up!" Y/n said, leaving the table once again.

Time skip to the next morning because I'm lazy

Kirishima was walking down to UA. He couldn't yesterday out of his head. Y/n, specifically.

"Ok...Today will be the day. I will confess my feelings to-

"Who's feelings are you going to confess to?"

"Y/N!! I- W-WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!?" Kirishima said, jumping back. He imminently apologized. 

"It's alright. Wanna walk to school together?" Y/n asked

"Y-Yeah. Sure." Kirishima said. He was nervous. Kirishima knew that this was the perfect time. The perfect moment to confess. Kirishima stopped walking. "U-Uhm...Y/n? Can I ask you something?" 

"Hm? Yeah, sure!!" Y/n said, stopping in her tracks too. The two students were only a few feet away from each other.

"I- I think you're an awesome person and I really like you!" Kirishima said quickly, his face was red as he said those words. 

Y/n didn't say anything as they just looked at each other. One looking in awe and the other in embarrassment.

"Y-You don't need to say anything but-

Y/n stopped Kirishima in the middle of his sentence to give him a kiss on the cheek. With a soft smile Y/n replied "Don't say anything else. I like you too."

For the rest of the year Kirishima and Y/n were in a relationship with each other. They had fun dates, wholesome moments, and millions of memories with each other. It was the perfect ending. Everyone lived in harmony.


lol I'm joking-

Hope you enjoyed!!

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