𓆩♡𓆪 Izuku 𓆩♡𓆪

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So sorry for not updating in a few days/weeks. Lots of school, work, and other projects.

This chapter was pretty fun to write, ngl. I love awkward confessions or whatever you wanna call them. This is sort of sad, but I like it. I hope you all enjoy! (sorry it's short by the way, I was way too rushed into this)

Also, the timeline is after the USJ incident. Just to be clear.

ﮩـﮩﮩ٨Too Lateﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ

"They're so pretty...I bet they are already in a relationship though..." Izuku said, taking a sip of some coffee he got from the coffee shop. 

He was sitting down at the park bench, taking a gaze at the beautiful scenery. Y/n always came to the park at this time, sitting down on a bench distant from Midoriya. Y/n was almost always reading a book. Izuku always wondered what it was, considering he was way too anxious to even approach Y/n.

Y/n actually went to U.A. school. They were in class 1-A with him. They were almost always quiet so barely anybody noticed her. But Izuku did. He noticed they're h/c, they're beautiful e/c, everything about them made Izuku fall in love.

"They're never going to notice you, Izuku. Stop being so delusional." Izuku said to himself, looking down at his shaking legs. His heart was beating 50 miles per hour every time he even caught a glimpse at Y/n. "Damn it, Izuku. Stop staring at them-!" He said again to himself.

Y/n closed their book and in the corner of their eye, caught Izuku staring at them. They blushed red and looked down. "I-Is that Deku? Why is he here? Why was he staring at me?" Y/n said under them breath in a panicked and soft voice.

Izuku sighed. He panicked, he was screwed now. "Frick...Now I need to apologize to them and talk to them and I'm not ready for this! This is seriously the first conversation we have together?! No no no no no no no no. Please no! I have no choice."

Midoirya walked over to Y/n. "Y/n?- I-I'm so sorry for staring at you! I thought you looked pretty and- w-wait! N-no I didn't mean that! I mean you do look pretty but I-

Y/n chuckled softly and quietly. They cut Izuku off in the middle of his sentence. "I-It's alright, Deku." they said quickly. "T-That is your name, right? I heard Bakugo and Uraraka call you that once or twice."

"N-No, Deku is just a nickname some people call me. M-My name is Izuku Midoriya." 

"Oh, nice to meet you then, Midoriya." Y/n said in a soft voice, standing up and blowing in the traditional Japanese way.

"O-OH! N-No need to do that! I-I- Uhm-"

Y/n's phone rang from their pocket, cutting Izuku off. They answered and talked to the other person on the phone for a while. After a few minutes, they hung up. "I'm sorry, Midoriya. I need to leave. I'll see you at school tomorrow." Y/n said, then using their quirk of teleportation to leave the scene.

"Dang it...I should have asked them if she had a boyfriend or girlfriend."

The thing about that was...the phone call was fake. Y/n hated social interactions with anyone they barely know. Or with anyone she likes.

"I should have told him."

"I should have told them."

Millions of other situations like these happened like this. Y/n and Izuku meet, talk, and conveniently they need to go because they are nervous. No matter the time, no matter the place, they can never say the three words.

"Hey, Y/n!" Izuku called out, they were third years now in U.A. Y/n and Midoriya were very close friends now. 

"Oh, hey Midoriya!" they called out.

"Y/n, I need to talk to you about something." Izuku said, pulling Y/n outside to the schoolyard court. Y/n didn't react, they just went with Izuku.

This is the perfect time to tell him.

This is the perfect time to tell them.


That would have been it. That could have been the time where either of them would just say it then and there. But it never happened. 

During the attack, during the chaos of what the villain caused, it was a tough battle.

And Y/n died during that battle to save Izuku from a surprise attack from the villain.

"I love you, Y/n." Izuku said, holding Y/n's body close to his, tears rolling down his eyes uncontrollably as Y/n's pulse became slower by the second and her body losing heat at an alarming rate.

"I love you too." Y/n said, then finally closing they're eyes.

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