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chapter six: "the family business"

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chapter six: "the family business"



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the next morning i'm woken up by my cell phone ringing. "hello?"

"hey, lizzy."


"ah! my eardrums..."


"it's fine, so there's something i forgot to mention..."

"and that is?"

"dean died, but an angel brought him back. his name's castiel."

"why didn't you tell me the moment he died, sam?! i tell dean everything!"

"look, i'm sorry. bobby and i were trying to get him back before we told you... telling you was our last resort."

"you're lucky that i'm in a different state right now, or i would punch you!"

"jeez, why so violent?"

"cause dean is my best friend!"

"what am i?"

"a dumbass."

"wow, feeling the love, Lizzy."

"you know i love you but you kept this from me... also, angels are real?"

"yeah, still wrapping my head around it."

"wouldn't you be dead though? like seeing them in their true forms?"

"he's using a vessel, but angels need permission and demons don't."

"k, then. thanks for that tidbit of information."


"hey, i gotta go. i have to get ready for school."

"ok, love you, lizzy."

"love you too, sam. tell dean i said hi and that i love him too."

"i will."


"goodbye, lizzy." we both hang up... i smile sadly. i miss them, maybe i should visit soon.

i get ready for school and head out to see edward waiting for me. "hey..."

"hi. ready for school?"

"no, but who is?" he laughs. we get in his car and head to school.

"who were you on the phone with?"

"my surrogate brother, sam. he was updating me on dean."

"how long have you known them?"

"i met them when i was little, they saved my life..."

~~~ Flashback, Age: 5 ~~~ 

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phoenix, az

sam and i are driving down the road when we notice a little girl... and she's screaming bloody murder... as to why, well, a vampire had a hold of her...

the car comes to a screeching halt, sam and i make a run for it to save her. "hey, asshat! why don't you pick on someone your own size," i yell.

"hey, i'm not that small!" she yells, squirming for her life with an angry look on her face. i try not to laugh in this serious situation but that was kinda funny... this kid is hilarious.

"i don't think i will... she's just my appetizer... wanna be my main course," the shirtless vamp asks in a sinister voice.

"i don't  feel like being vamp chow... do you, Sammy?"

"no, i'm good..."

the little girl stops squirming to look at us and then at the sparkly vampire. "if i get a say, i just want you to know... i taste disgusting..." my brother and i stifle a snort. "i don't know why you're laughing, i'm being serious. also, those guns won't do much and neither will the machetes–"

she gets cut off by sparkles when he drops her on the ground, turning to us. "on second thought, you two will be my appetizer..."

before he can reach us though, she yells, "use your flame thrower!" and that's exactly what sam does... i don't know how she knew he had it on him but it saved our butts... 

"what's your name kid?"

"elizabeth, what's yours?"

"i'm dean, this is my brother sam..."

~~~ End of Flashback~~~

once i finished my story, we were in the school's parking lot. we got out and went inside... 



a/n: thank God that vampire is dead, right?

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