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His eyes were a bright, vivid blue, intense and full of emotion. Gripping the sword tightly with both hands, Adrian took a step back, visibly tense. —This is what I've been waiting for – to figure out who I really am!— he exclaimed, his words filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness, each breath drawn with an effort that mirrored the weight of the impending revelation.
This fight marked the beginning of something big, a disaster waiting to happen. In Adrian's hands rested the power to either stop it all and save the world or let everything fall apart into ruins. The choice was his, and the consequences weighed heavily on him

10 months earlier

Seated at the edge of an abandoned building, the blue eyed boy casually sipped his cold soda, staring into the distance while lost in thought. Waiting for a close friend, he considered her urgent matter with a sense of nonchalance.

He was wrapped in a green jacket and comfortable jeans, feeling the chill of the cloudy day. As he teetered on the building's edge. —Hey, be careful on that edge.— warned Scarlett, with a smug expression, Adrian chuckled —Oh, don't worry, I can't die. I still have to accomplish 'my great purpose' in life, you know me.—
—Knowing you doesn't mean you're immortal.— Scarlett retorted

—I know, I know, but something tells me that it's not time yet, that I'm born to be someone important.— the boy replied with confidence.

Scar rolled her eyes —Yeah, I'm aware of that feeling. That's why I chose to be your friend from all the weirdos at school.—
—What do you mean weirdo? I'm fucking normal!— he stated
—Of course you would say that— she joked —Though, there are more reasons behind our friendship, and I suppose it's time to show you, little one.— Scarlett looked at a distant way.
Adrian raised an eyebrow, curious —Show me what? What's going on?— he laughed, making unwanted awkwardness start between them.

Scarlett's pretty smile held a touch of mystery —You're about to find out, my friend— she responded.

Adrian's brow furrowed in confusion; he had never heard Scarlett talk like this before. "She's just joking" he reassured himself, but there was an odd intensity in her hazel eyes that left him uneasy.

—You know, I've always wanted to do this— Scarlett said, tip-toeing on the edge beside him. —Hey, get out of there, you're no immortal either!— Adrian shouted, hastily getting up to embrace her from behind.

—Oh no, you're wrong in this one, cutie. There's a difference between you and me... I am immortal— she declared, slipping out of his arms and leaping off the building. Panic surged through Adrian as he registered the seven-floor drop. He ran in shock until the reality of the situation hit him. Sprinting to the stairs, he hoped it was all just a bizarre illusion or a dream.

Reaching the ground floor, he peered through the dirty crystal door and saw Scarlett's body, but something seemed off. Racing outside, he witnessed her struggling to rise, her face contorted in pain. The sound of cracking bones filled the air, leaving Adrian perplexed. —Are they breaking?— he wondered aloud.

—Don't worry, they're actually healing— Scarlett reassured him, her words cutting through the confusion. —Ever since I met you, I had a feeling you were gonna become special.—

His stomach churned with nausea —What? Are you okay? What the heck is going on?— his panic drove him to yell

—You'll understand after you help me get to my car— she replied, wincing as she held her ribs. The eerie sound of bone healing continued. The pale boy silently assisted his friend, grappling with a growing sense of disbelief and wondering when he would wake up from this surreal experience.

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