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It was getting dark, around 6 in the evening, and the nights in Paris were setting in quickly, with the December weather making its presence felt. Adrian was driving to his apartment; he always found it challenging to drive since it wasn't something he did often. He preferred to go everywhere on his bike or skateboard, but that day was an exception. Scarlett's old car seemed to be running fine, which was unusual as she often complained that something was always wrong with it.

His thoughts were swirling, still in disbelief about everything that had happened. The information he received seemed so vague that anyone would think it was improvised on the spot.

"What if it's true?" he questioned himself. For a moment, adrenaline surged through him, and that rush helped him regain his characteristic confidence. His muscles, after so much tension, managed to relax a bit. "I need to know more; this damn girl can't leave me curious" he thought with a hint of malice.

He parked in front of his building; it was somewhat old and rustic. His apartment was on the 4th floor, and he had to carry his friend to get there, fervently hoping that the elevator wasn't out of order, as was so often the case.

As best he could, he lifted her onto his back and walked inside. She didn't seem as heavy as she was, her 1.63m height made her appear more delicate. Knowing her, though, she could eat a whole cow and not show it. He reached the elevator, fortunately, it was working, but he seemed already tired. Despite his regular workouts, he seldom had to carry someone, let alone Scarlett.

He laid her on his couch; she was breathing so faintly that it might seem like she wasn't breathing at all. He wanted to wake her up; he needed answers.

—Pst, Scarlett— he began to whisper while poking her cheek. —Scarlett, wake up, it's already morning. We need to eat ice cream— he said with a cheerful voice. That had worked in the past. —Scar, wakey wakey, it's time to shine like the pretty star you are— but nothing was working. —I have tacos with lots of spice— he knew Scarlett's weakness was Mexican food, but not even that was having any effect.

He gave up and went to the kitchen. Feeling hungry, he started making a chicken sandwich when he heard a noise coming from the living room. He hurried to see what was happening. Next to the couch, there was someone very close to her face, kneeling in front of her.

—Who the hell are you?!

—Her dreams are being incredibly loud tonight— whispered the stranger. Adrian approached the man swiftly and pushed him forward—Stay away from her unless you want—

—Unless I want what?— interrupted the stranger with a deep calm voice as he stood up. He was clearly tall, perhaps six feet two inches, wearing a black trench coat that contrasted with his pale skin. He had eyes of different colors, one deep blue and the other light green with purple hints. His light brown hair complemented a perfect smile. He seemed to be in his early 20s.

—I'm gonna call the police if you dare to touch her—

—Oh, don't worry, I wouldn't touch her without her consent. The last time I tried, I ended up losing an arm and part of my right side— He paused for a moment to gaze again at her peacefully sleeping. —Let me introduce myself, I'm Fei, you could say Scarlett's soulmate.— The strange man looked back at the house owner and extended his arm, expecting a handshake. Adrian noticed that the guy was wearing white gloves. —How did you get in?— asked the dark-haired man dryly.

—Through her— he replied with a smirk on his face. —You wouldn't understand.— He crouched down near her, brushing a strand of hair away from her lips.—Wait, what do you mean, her soulmate? She's never mentioned knowing someone matching your description, and we're very close—Adrian claimed. Fei chuckled lightly and looked at the black haired boy directly in the eyes. —It turns out our dear Scarlett has told you about her experiences in this life, and apparently, she's already partially explained what we are.— "What we are" It was a statement that resonated with great emphasis in his head. —Prove it— Adrian demanded, challenging him. —Give me some proof that you're like her.—

The atmosphere shifted slightly, a subtle tension began lingering between Fei and Adrian, though both tried to conceal it. —Do you think I care if some boy believes who I am or not?—the brown-haired man laughed. —Listen, Adrian, I don't know what she saw in you, but don't think you're as special as she made you out to be.— Fei stepped in front of the boy, realizing their heights were similar. —Now, I have to take her. She doesn't belong in a place as filthy as yours.— The blue eyed boy felt offended but realized that his place being called filthy wasn't the point —You can't take her with you, she's with me so fuck off—

—Don't interfere, it's not your place to stick your nose where it's not wanted— said the brown-haired man as he turned around to lift Scarlett. —This became my business the moment she jumped off that damn building.— Adrian shouted, his stomach churning as he recalled what happened that day. —Go back to your room or something, I'm leaving— he crouched once again but didn't expect Adrian to be this kind of brave. The tension in the air became palpable, and in a quick and decisive move, Adrian lunged forward, extending his arms to catch Fei off guard, making him unavailable to touch the unconscious girl

With a strong impact, Adrian's body collided with Fei's, bringing him down to the ground in a skillful tackle. Both rolled on the floor in a mix of strength and agility, the brown-haired man attempting to resist while the black-haired boy was determined to defend his friend from this stranger.

The scene was filled with physical energy, muted grunts, and the sound of bodies colliding as Adrian fought to keep Fei at bay. The confrontation reflected the intensity of their emotions and the complexity of the situation they found themselves in.

—I fucking told you to stay away from her— He shouted angry with a fierce look in his eyes. —You're getting on my nerves stupid brat— Fei, with his imposing presence, decided to change the dynamics of the confrontation. In a fluid motion, he removed one of his white gloves, revealing a hand that seemed charged with energy. He concentrated his power, and suddenly, a lightning-like blade materialized in his hand, shining with intensity.

As Adrian lay on the ground, the scene lit up with flashes of energy as Fei traced a swift arc with the blade. A cutting bolt of lightning sliced through the air, reaching Adrian's right shoulder and leaving a wound in its wake.

The acute pain was reflected on the blue-eyed face as he struggled to contain an expression of agony while the lightning blade dissipated into the air.

—Is that proof enough?—

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