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With his injured shoulder throbbing in pain, Adrian gritted his teeth and struggled to rise from the floor. Anger and adrenaline fueled a surge of determination within him, pushing his limits beyond what he thought possible. As he staggered to his feet, a newfound energy pulsed through his veins, a flicker of something he couldn't quite comprehend.

Fei, standing a few feet away, watched with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. -You're quite resilient, I'll give you that, but you can't change what's meant to be, she might be fond of you but, not me.-

Adrian, fueled by a blend of frustration and defiance, locked eyes with Fei. In that intense gaze, something shifted within him. A subtle ripple of power, unfamiliar and untamed, danced around him like ethereal wisps. It was as if the very air around him responded to the storm brewing within.

-She stays here, and you won't lay a hand on her unless you go through me first. Not letting some piece of shit touch her!- Adrian's voice carried an unusual resonance, a hint of something beyond the ordinary.

Fei, sensing the shift, raised an eyebrow, intrigued yet cautious. -What do you think you can do?-

Without answering, Adrian focused on the energy surging within him. In a moment of intense concentration, he channeled the essence of Fei's earlier display. The air crackled with unseen forces as Adrian manifested a semblance of Fei's lightning-like blade in his own hand. His blue eyes were suddenly switching to a similar color tone as the brown's hair ones.

Fei's eyes widened in surprise, his composure momentarily faltering -I applaud your effort, but this is a game you can't win. Stand down like the little brat you are-

In a swift motion, he advanced, expecting to quell Adrian's resistance effortlessly. However, something unexpected happened. As Fei moved forward, Adrian, tapping into his newfound power, evaded with a speed and grace that surprised them both. It was as if he had borrowed a fraction of Fei's own supernatural agility.

-You've got more potential than you realize, Adrian. But it won't change the outcome.- Fei's voice carried a mix of admiration and inevitability.

As the confrontation reached its peak, Adrian, fueled by a combination of borrowed power and sheer determination, surprised them both. In a blink, he and Scarlett vanished, leaving behind a bewildered Fei. The room echoed with a mysterious energy as Adrian, for the first time, tapped into the hidden talents lying dormant within him.

The sudden teleportation left Adrian disoriented and awash with conflicting sensations. He found himself in an unfamiliar location, still clutching the remnants of Fei's manifested blade. The room seemed to spin around him as he struggled to make sense of the inexplicable events that had just unfolded.

His perception felt altered, like he was viewing the world through a surreal lens. The borrowed power from Fei lingered, creating a strange resonance within him. Adrian staggered, trying to steady himself, but the newfound abilities he had briefly harnessed left him feeling unbalanced and disconnected.

The air crackled with residual energy, and he could sense everything so strangely different. Colors seemed more vivid, and every sound echoed with an otherworldly intensity. It was as if the boundaries between the mundane and the extraordinary had blurred, leaving him caught in a liminal space of uncertainty.

Overwhelmed by the influx of power and the disorienting aftermath, Adrian's vision blurred, and his legs gave way beneath him. He collapsed to the ground, the remnants of Fei's energy dissipating as a wave of exhaustion washed over him. His mind, still grappling with the mysteries of his newfound abilities, struggled to maintain coherence.

As Adrian lay on the ground, confusion etched across his face, his body trembled. The room seemed to spin faster, the surreal energy enveloping him like a cocoon. It was a delicate dance between exhilaration and fatigue, leaving him on the precipice of unconsciousness.

With a final, strained breath, Adrian succumbed to the overwhelming exhaustion. His eyes fluttered, the world around him becoming a blur of colors and sensations. The last thing he thought before "Don't leave me so soon, Scarlett" he thought before slipping into unconsciousness.

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