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With her brown hair flowing in gentle waves and those beautiful emerald-like eyes that sparkled with warmth, Anne was having a particularly good day at college. A sense of contentment was emanating from her. With a slender frame and thin lips, her white skin seemed to glow against the vibrant backdrop of the university.

Having successfully tackled the day's tasks and with a lack of pending assignments, she felt an unusual lightness. Today, she could finally spend time with Adrian. She missed him since her focus was on the finals but now, having free time, she wouldn't hesitate to spend time with her lover.

Arriving at Adrian's place, Anne knocked on the door, her anticipation growing. However, no one answered. Analyzing the situation, Anne reasoned that Adrian might not be home yet. Retrieving her spare key, she let herself in. Little did she know that this visit would unravel into something beyond her expectations.

Anne burst into the living room with a cheerful greeting, ready for a delightful evening with Adrian. However, her joy turned to sheer panic when she found him on the floor, blood staining his clothes and the floor around him.

—Oh my God, Adrian! What happened?— Anne's voice trembled as she knelt beside him, her eyes wide with shock.

—Hey, babe. Just a little accident. No big deal.—Adrian, half-conscious, managed a weak smile.
—Accident? This is not a little anything! You're bleeding!— her hands shook as she frantically looked around for something to help staunch the bleeding.
—Yeah, well, you know me and my clumsiness. It's nothing, really.—he winced, feeling the pain more intensely now that Anne was there.
—Nothing? Adrian, you're covered in blood!— her panic escalated, but she took a deep breath, realizing she needed to focus. —Come on, let's get you up. We need to do something about this.—

With effort, Anne managed to move him into the master bedroom. She fumbled for her phone to dial emergency services, but Adrian, still semi-conscious, weakly protested.
—No, no ambulance. Just... help me clean up love.— His voice was strained, but he resisted any attempts to call for help.
—Are you fucking out of your mind? You need medical attention!—Anne, torn between fear and love, looked at him incredulously.

Adrian managed a smirk. —Nah, I've survived worse. Just grab some towels or something, we'll patch me up.—

Her eyes widened, and she snapped, —Survived worse? What on earth have you been doing without telling me?— Her hands were still shaking, but she followed his request, fetching towels and a first aid kit.
—You're unbelievable, you know that?— mumbled the emerald eyed girl as she worked to clean the blood.
Adrian chuckled weakly. —Yeah, but you love me for it, don't you?—
—Sadly yes, you idiot.— she replied, pressing hard on the wound so he could feel the pain.

As Anne continued to clean up Adrian's wound. With a mischievous smile, she quipped, —So, was this another one of Scarlett's suitors' doings?—

Adrian, still in pain but managing a chuckle, responded, —You guessed it. This one, though, is pretty different from the rest.—

—Different? In what way?—Anne raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued

He grinned, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes, —Well, for starters, he's devilishly handsome. Probably the best-looking suitor yet.—he laughed —Even his smile can compete against mine, don't fall for him, I'm warning you— he joked

She playfully rolled her eyes ignoring him a little —Oh, please. Scarlett has a whole army of admirers, and they're all supposedly 'the best-looking.' I'm surprised she doesn't have a beauty pageant for them.—

Adrian laughed, wincing slightly at the pain. —Maybe she should. I bet it would be quite the spectacle.—

Anne, with a smirk, teased, —And the winner gets to be Scarlett's next conquest, huh? You might want to warn your friend.—

Adrian chuckled, —Yeah, maybe I should. But I think this time, Scarlett should go with him. He seems to be the winner, hands down.—

Anne couldn't help but join in the laughter, enjoying the banter despite the seriousness of the situation. Deep down, though, Adrian longed to confide in Anne about the true nature of what had happened. However, he knew the fantastical truth would be a hard sell, and a part of him chose to keep it locked away, hidden beneath the lighthearted exchange with Anne.

As Anne continued tending to Adrian's wound, the atmosphere between them shifted from tension to a more comforting one. Gently finishing up, she noticed the fatigue in his eyes. Deciding to provide a moment of solace, Anne started playing with his hair, her fingers gently combing through the strands.

Adrian, feeling the soothing motion, closed his eyes, surrendering to the gentle touch. The pain and tension slowly began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of calm.
Anne's fingers danced through his hair, creating a rhythmic pattern that lulled Adrian into a state of tranquility. Soon, he found himself drifting into a light slumber.
In his dream, he stood by the edge of a serene river, the water reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun. But when he looked down at himself, he was met with a surprising sight. His skin had taken on a sun-kissed tan, and his eyes were a deep, mysterious shade of dark brown.
—Always remember when it shattered—
The dream was fleeting, just a glimpse of an altered version of himself, maybe a different reality? Yet, the urgency in the voice left an indelible mark.

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