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Scarlett met Fei's gaze with a calm resolve, realizing that an eternity of conflict wasn't the solution.
Fei smoothly navigated his way through the various ingredients across the kitchen. He pulled fresh meat and vegetables from the fridge, effortlessly slicing them and herbs with precision. As the enticing aroma of spices filled the air, he turned to Scarlett with a charming smile.

—You know, it's been a while since I've had someone to cook for. Care to stay and join me for dinner?— he asked, gesturing toward the set dining table.

Despite her initial reluctance, she found herself accepting the offer. —Fine, but I have to admit, I am starving— she replied with a playful smirk, looking around, curiosity started to hit, the apartment was the epitome of swanky, boasting paintings that looked like they could bankrupt a small country, hanging casually on the walls. The kitchen, a gleaming wonderland of stainless steel and cutting-edge gadgets, hinted at a cooking setup that wouldn't be out of place on a trendy food blog. It was this blend of high-class and modern chill that made Fei's place feel like a peek into a world of sophistication.
—Since when do you own this place?— she inquired, raising an eyebrow skeptically.
—I can own anything I want, my dear.—Fei, with a smirk, responded.
Scarlett, unimpressed, shot back —Seriously?—

Fei chuckled, —Okay, okay, I've been around mortals for quite some time. Enough to afford a luxury place like this, little business here and there. It's pretty easy to earn their money and you know me, I can be pretty charming sometimes.—
The banter between them continued as Fei showed his culinary skills, cooking delicious tacos tailored to Scarlett's love for Mexican cuisine.

Fei chuckled, savoring a bite of his own creation. —You know, Scarlett, the mortals are quite the gullible bunch. A few nights ago, I decided to have a little fun and see just how easily they could be swayed.—

Scarlett raised an eyebrow, intrigued. —Go on, I'm listening.—
Fei leaned back, adopting a storyteller's pose. —So, there I was, masquerading as one of those smug avant-garde artists at this hip gallery downtown. I saw a broken broom in a trash can, you wouldn't believe how utterly ordinary it looked.—

Scarlett smirked —And what did you do with a broken broom? I'd be amused if it is what i think it is—
Fei's eyes sparkled mischievously. —I picked it up, gave it a dramatic, artsy name, something like 'Ephemeral Chaos,' and placed it right in the center of the gallery. People gathered around, scratching their heads, trying to decipher the profound meaning behind it.—
—You're telling me they believed a broken broom was a masterpiece? I swear mortals are quite silly—Scarlett burst into laughter.

Fei nodded, he really loved hearing that sound, her laugh and remembering how things used to be. —Oh, they not only believed it; they praised it as a stroke of genius, haha. I even overheard someone saying it was a profound commentary on the transience of life. It was a riot!—
Scarlett chuckled, shaking her head. —You have a talent for this, Fei. Turning trash into art.—
Fei smirked, —Well, a little persuasion goes a long way. It's all about the presentation, my dear.—
As they shared more laughter and anecdotes, the playful banter between them added a lightness to the evening, momentarily distracting them from the things that previously happened.

—That was surprisingly delicious. Thanks for dinner. Now, would you mind taking me back? I want to check up on Adrian.—
Fei met her gaze, and for a fleeting moment, the air seemed charged with unspoken sentiments. —Of course— he said, a softness entering his tone. —Let's go.—

He hugged her gently, snapped his fingers and in a blink of an eye, they were back at Scarlett's best friend's doorstep. She turned to Fei, a warmth in her expression. —I appreciate this, Fei. It means a lot.— she said —But please, don't act so rush again—

Fei nodded, a subtle hint of a smile playing on his lips. —Don't worry darling, I'll try to keep my act together next time— He gently kissed Scarlett's hand —Go make sure your friend's doing okay.—
As she turned to enter the apartment, hesitation got into her for a moment. —Fei, why don't you come in too? Adrian might appreciate a bit of variety in his unexpected guests and you could also use this opportunity to apologize to him—
—I don't want to intrude— he answered with a smooth smile.
—Come on, it's not every day someone manages to convince me that a broken broom is a masterpiece. You've earned a spot in our chaotic little world for tonight.—Scarlett persisted with a teasing smile.
—Well, if you insist—Fei finally relented —But if he gets angry and aggressive, I'm using you as a shield—
—Do what you gotta do— she laughed and they both entered.

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