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The museum was actual heaven. I love art so much. It makes me wet.

Calum, also does a fine job at that. He continuously whispered shit into my ear. Things like, how I belonged in a museum because I was a masterpiece, or how he wanted to see me like one of the statues, naked.

It's really hard to enjoy Egyptian art when I want him to paint a picture between my thighs with his tongue.

It's kinda weird, y'know, he's into soccer and music, I'm into Van Gogh and drugs. 

He had to drag me out of the museum because I was whining. I wasn't ready to leave. But, we went to the mall for food. So, I didn't mind leaving.

"Why don't we go there that often?" He tilted his head, eyeing me.

"Because you always lose me. Remember when we went when we were 13, and you had a panic attack because you couldn't find me? You only didn't this time because you couldn't detach your hand from my ass."

"Can't resist the booty." He said in a day dreamy voice. I rolled my eyes and threw away my trash. "You ready to go?" He asked, copying my actions. I nodded, letting my hand find his. We walked in sync with our orange vans until he halted to a stop. I almost fell at the abrupt yank on my arm.

"What are you doing?" I asked, drawing my eyebrows in confusion as I followed his gaze to the vans shop.

"I think it's time, don't you?" He grinned, pulling my hand.

"Slow down, Cal! I have little legs!" I whined, pulling back. I almost fell on my ass twice in 30 seconds.

"Then run!" He exclaimed, leaning forward to pull me as I dug my feet into the ground to counteract his pulling. My shoes squeaked as he pulled my body. Lets face it, I don't really stand a chance. "Don't be difficult!" He whined.

"Then stop walking so fast and remember I'm the size of a ten year old!"

He sighed, his pulling coming to an end as he walked up to me.

"I'm sorry, baby. It's just been months since we got new shoes, and I got really excited." He looked down with a pout.

"I'm excited too! But, I'm little, like, my entire body is almost the equivalent of your legs." I mumbled. He looked back up, laughing softly. "Fuck you, I'm going home." I turned and started walking.

He tugged me back, (of course), while he exclaimed "No!"

I fell into his chest. "Don't go." He begged, peppering my face with light kisses.

"Ewww." I laughed, pushing his face away from mine. He grabbed my hand and kissed my palm.

"Don't leave." He pouted his bottom lip out.

"Fine." I said, kissing his cheek. He grinned, slowly pulling me into the shop.

The walls had shoes upon shoes. Each different colours, patterns and styles. It was a shoegasm.

"What colour?" I asked quietly, scanning the wall. We had nearly every shoe in this shop. It was so bad.

"Something we don't have already." He grinned.

"Okay, you know what, I'm seriously gonna punch you."

"I know." He laughed, pecking my lips.

I rolled my eyes, returning to the wall. I was gonna suggest a colour, when one of the cashier dudes walked up.

"You guys need any help?" He smiled. He had brown hair that was gelled to the side with a clean cut down the side. ((Classic fuckboi hairstyle smh))

"No, I think we got it." Calum said. His smile was forced and his grip around my waist tightened.

"Okay. Just call if you need anything." He smiled at me before walking off.

I looked up at Calum, "Chill."

"I am chill." He insisted.

"Really? The bruises forming on my hips mean you're chill?"

"Sorry." He sighed, loosening his grip.

"What colour?"

"This one."

"Tie dye?"

"Yes, my inner hippie is calling out to me."

He laughed and squeezed my hips softly, "I'll get the boxes, meet me at the front."

I complied and leaned against the counter, the same guy from earlier walking up same time as I did.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, "You got your stuff?" His smile was too friendly when he looked at me.

"Boyfriends getting them." I pointed to Calum walking back with the boxes. He nodded as he set the boxes down.

He rang up the shoes. I slid my card while Calum was getting his out.

"Seriously? This is our date, I'm the guy, I pay."

"It's just shoes."

The cashier chuckled, printing the receipt.

Calum grabbed my waist and pulled me into him, my back against his front.

Mental sigh. What's his problem?

Why!! Does!! He!! Get!! Jealous!!

I mean like, I enjoy how touchy he is when he gets like this, because it's really attractive, but like.... chill.

The receipt was shoved into the bag, which Calum took as he took my hand and walked out. I skipped beside him, unable to walk his fast pace without tripping.

"Okay, what was that Mr. Over Protective?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Didn't you see the way he was looking at you? I'm the only one allowed to look at you like that."

"Hm, I didn't notice. I was too busy looking at you." I shrugged.

His hard ass "Don't look at my girl I'll kick your ass" look turned into a soft smile and he placed a wet kiss on my cheek.

"Awe, gross!"




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