quarante deux

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i woke up in unknown surroundings. it reeked of death, or maybe it was cleaning solutions. or both. either way it horrid. to my left, a steady beeping stood, to my right and basically everywhere else there were soft snores. my fingers involuntarily twitched, and my eyes slowly fluttered open. shit was distorted, white and fuzzy, but it eventually colored itself out and i saw a hospital room. calum sat to my right with michael - what the fuck. corrynn and luke had chairs by the window and ashton was next to me with his fingers intertwined with mine- what the fuck.

i lifted my hand, pulling it out of his and held it up in the air. my wrist turned, i examined my fingers. my nails were kept, i wasnt ashy, but i was pale as fuck. i reached over, running my fingers through calums hair.

"michael stop." he moaned, pushing my hand away and facing the other way. i huffed, doing it again only pulling it after.

"oW!" he screamed, jumping up and knocking over the stand that had the little water bags hanging on it. "WHAT THE FUCK CAMERON? WHY WOULD YOU PULL MY HAIR?" he rubbed his head.

"no one was waking up." i whispered, pouting my bottom lip out and playing with my hands. he froze and stared at me with wide eyes.

"you cocksucker!" he shouted, probably debating whether he should strangle me or hug me, he chose the later, but suffocated me with his arms.

"cal," i whispered, "im sorry. i know i was doing so good and then.."

"what?" he pulled away with a confused look.

"it was just when i saw you and sydney and then michael and nevia i wanted to throw up and ashton popped up and offered tabs and i know i promised i was done with drugs but i fucked up and im so sorry." i was crying.

"ashton gave you drugs?" he said, like he wanted to laugh.

"who the fucks nevia?" michael whispered, now looking at me after rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"hey!" calum shouted, smacking ashton in the head. he jolted up, breathing heavy after knocking over the stand with the water pouch. "why'd you give her drugs?"

"you're awake!" he screamed, throwing his arms around me and kissing me everywhere, eventually on my mouth. i wanted to die?

"okay no pause what the fuck you almost let me die and calums my boyfriend." i pushed him away and wiped my mouth. now calum laughed, michael leaned around him at looked at me like "boi"

i looked at corrynn and luke for help but they looked just as confused as ashton did. the doctor walked in and looked surprised.

"you're awake! how do you feel?" he asked, stepping around ashton and picking up the stand.

"uh.. confused?"

"shes on some shit about how calums her boyfriend, ashton gave her drugs and i supposedly fucked some girl named nevia." michael rolled his eyes, pulling calum onto his lap. my chest hurt. why is he talking like that? why are they acting like that? calums not gay, he's mine. he likes pussy. my pussy.

the doctor chuckled, "whatever you think happened miss bates, was all in your head. you've been in a coma for a year after a terrible accident with your parents. they recovered soon after but you never woke up." he frowned at the last bit. and i was still confused.

i made this all up in my mind?

"but.." i sighed, "do i really hate myself that much that i imagined all those painful scenarios?"

the doctor simply shrugged, "im not the right person to ask bout that, im sorry. however, we're gonna keep you here for a couple hours, no more than 24. we need to run some tests, make sure your vitals are 100% and you can go after that." he smiled and walked out.

i looked at everyone of them, getting a flashback of an incident each time i locked eyes with one of them.

When i looked at corrynn, it was her running into me in the halls only to tell me to listen to oceans, and months later slapping the shit out of me when i told her calum was my first time and i gave it up to that song. she had always said it was our song, and i fucked calum to it. i was forgiven after i sat through three seasons of the vampire diaries and listened to her fawn over luke.

i looked at luke and saw him sitting across from me in a ferris wheel seat with corrynn wrapped up in his arms, looking the happiest i had ever seen him. i saw him and calum becoming literal best friends, probably replacing me. if we hadn't started dating, i probably wouldve been.

it was ashton annoying me to no end in english but being there when i walked in crying or needed help on an assignment. it was that time calum and i saved him from michaels wrath in the hallway on more than one occasion.

michael was the first time i ran to him crying and he said he was there for me, despite the pure hatred between us. it was when we did drugs and fucked right after. when he told me he loved me, but then got with nevia soon after.

and calum was every kissed we shared, every laugh, everytime we touched one another, everytime we bought new shoes and matched the following day, it was when we sat in the park and he used his stupid disney metaphors to confess his love for me. it was c-double back at it again with the stupid white vans.

i felt sick, my heart was in my stomach. each memory just a figment of my imagination. i dont even remember my real life.

"are you okay?" ashton asked, intertwining our fingers. i looked down at our hands then up at him.

"yeah." i whispered.

but fuck, i wasnt.




also also wanna give a shoutouts to my homie pikachumuke im sorry for making u cry i hope this makes up for it ilu ((yall get up and read her shit lets go))

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