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things werent going so well. first nevia, then calum wouldnt answer her calls last night, and then she walked into school and found sydney perched at calums side. her heart sank to her stomach and her eyes instantly filled with tears.

thats my boyfriend

she couldnt do anything, she couldnt force herself to walk up to him and yank her off this time. but god did she want her off him. her hands curled into weak fists and then relaxed before she sighed and continued walking down the hall, right past them. they didnt even notice her.

nothing felt real. it was all a dream, she kept telling herself. calums still mine, sydney knows where she stands, nevia isnt back, michael and i are friends.

oh man did she want to die a little more when she turned the corner and saw nevia leaned against the lockers with michael all over her. the world was crumbling around cameron and she just wanted it to go away. she wanted to be numb again, not feel anything and everything. she wanted to be the big bad cameron she was 4 months ago, before she got involved emotionally with calum.

she turned and went down the other way, walking slowly. her feet dragged and she wrapped her arms around her body, suddenly feeling detached from the world.

"cameron!" a voice none other than ashton called, running down the hall towards her, she turned around confused.

"how do.. what?" she whispered.

"are you okay?" he tilted his head, looking at her carefully, "dont lie.." he whispered this time, almost like he knew her.

but he didnt, and she knew that, "why are you talking to me? get away." her feet pushed her down the hall, but he kept following.

"you were in michaels gang, his druggie group i guess you could call it. anyways, so i have extra tabs that i actually cant take anymore, and i was wondering if you wanted them." he spoke quietly, leaning down at they walked.

"i don--" then she got an idea, stopped and looking at him, "sure, i'll take them off your hands. how much do you want for them?"

"just your lunch today. its nachos, i fucking love nachos."

"deal." she laughed, looking up at the boy who suddenly was mesmerized by the idea of nachos.

"sick, theyre in my locker, come with me."

so she followed the tall boy with sandy blond hair like she was a lost puppy.


lukes phone chimed as he and corrynn stood by her locker. she was panicking because no one has seen cameron today and calums being a jackass.

help. sydney wont leave. and i need to talk to cameron.

"do you think calum fucked sydney again?" he asked curiously, glancing from his phone to his irritated girlfriend.

"probably! its fucking calum! why did he text you? has he seen cameron?" she snatched his phone then groaned and nearly threw it. "god, where the fuck is she?"

luke snatched his phone before it could leave her hands, "we'll find her. we just need to find him first. he's a dog, he'll sniff her out in no time." she stared at him, sighing softly before she nodded and led him down the hall. it didnt take them too long to hear "sydney get the fuck off me i have a girlfriend" circle through the halls.

"so what? she doesnt have to know." within seconds the couple was running down the hall to wedge themselves in between the two.

"hey, sydney, why don't you go fuck Brad, he's totally been eyeing that little ass of yours." corrynn said, looking down at the girl who had the nastiest glare on her face.

"i dont care about brad. i want calum." she whined, her arm snaking around the couple to grab at calum. she missed, and eventually gave up and huffed. "fine. call me calum." then she disappeared.

"we need to find cameron now." he said, his eyes flicking between the two who nodded in agreement.

and so the search for cameron began.


every chapter is getting worSE AND WORSE I DONT LNOW HOW TO WRITE SEND HELP

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