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I didn't know what else to do.

So I went to Lukes.

Because maybe, just maybe he'll have the answers.

He's made up of rocks in his head, but Michael's his bestfriend, he's bound to know something.

He was confused when he opened the door.

I was anxious, tapping my phone against the palm of my hand.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah." He stepped aside, allowing me to walk in.

His house was messy. Clothes, dog toys, little kid toys. 

You'd imagine Liz would make them take care of shit better.

I turned to face him, my breathing fluctuating with every inhale.

"He said it."

He knew what I meant, and he didn't look surprised, just nodded slowly. "It was only a matter of time, Cam. You knew it was coming."

"I know but, it had to be right after I fucking told him Cal and I made up and.." I sighed, racking my fingers through my hair in frustration, "And then he took it out on Ashton, and fuck this is all my fault!" I exclaimed, my eyes brimming with tears.

It went quiet for a moment, he stared at me, I stared at the wall fighting my tears.

"I know it's hard for you to answer, Cameron, but how do you feel about him?"

I was lost for words. I didn't know how I felt. I mean, he did state in his Matter-Of-Factly-I'm-Michael-Clifford-I-Know-Everything tone, that all we were, was a couple of druggies with the occasional fuck. And thats all I thought we were.

"You don't have to tell me, you don't even have have to answer it, but I think that's your first step to figuring out what to do." He said softly.


Homework was the last thing on my mind.

I couldn't wrap my head around what he said, or the situation itself.

We went from enemies to... whatever this is.

Could I feel something for him?

I mean, he was a great friend (I can say that now) and he's a good fuck (no regrets), but is there something I'm ignoring?

Something I refuse to think about because I'm so wrapped up in Calum that I never considered the possibility of actual feelings for Michael?


There couldn't be.

It's impossible.

It wouldn't even happen in another dimension.

Calum called me. I held the phone to my ear lazily. I wasn't really up for physically speaking, but I'll do anything when it comes to Calum.

Fuckin' whipped.

"Hi Cal." I said quietly, twirling the pencil in my fingers.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I lied.

"No, you're not. Come over."

"I have homework."

"You're not doing it if you answered your phone."

You got me there, Mr. Hood. You got me.

"What are we gonna do if I go over?"

"Netflix and chill?"

"I'm on my period."

"You have hands and a mouth."

"Fuck sakes, Calum."

"I'm kidding, babe, but seriously, come over, I wanna see your face. You can tell me what's wrong and I'll make you food."

"I'll be over in ten."

Netflix and chill, like he didn't act like a straight white boy enough.





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