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Mentions of cheating (Not by Eddie, by MC's Ex), Mentions of homelessness, Mentions of Alcohol use, Mentions of Weed, Each part will have it's own warnings! If I missed anything, Let me know!


Don't ever stay home from work. Just, go ahead and go. That's my advice to you. 

When I stayed home from work? On a Saturday, when most people don't even work in the first place. Deciding, you know, maybe I deserve a day off, maybe I could take the time cleaning the house instead of working, maybe I could spend some time with my boyfriend; who came home while I was making us dinner wondering where he was.

Didn't even notice me for a solid minute and a half, too busy sucking faces with a girl he had sworn was 'just a friend'. Usually, my friends aren't moaning in my mouth. I don't know about you, though. 

Anyway, now the only belongings of mine I have is whatever I could stuff in a beat up old backpack before he kicked me out.

And my cat. At least I still have my cat.

It's not like I have a place to put anything else, though. The motel I'm staying at isn't exactly up-to-standard, but if I start bringing bags and backpacks of clothes and belongings, they're going to get suspicious. I can't stay with any friends, the only friends I still keep in touch with are married, one of which lives out of state. And the other is my brother, who lives in a studio apartment with his husband and very little room for me to crash on their couch again. I have one more friend, though, one single friend, 

Who is also out of state, in medical school. 

I curse and grumble under my breath, smacking the coffee pot we have in the sad excuse for a break room. It's so small I think it could be considered a closet, and we use it for storage enough anyway. 

I've never wanted shitty coffee so bad, if this coffee pot doesn't start working soon I might kill someone. It might be me.

The little chime of the door pulls me out of my spiraling thoughts, ones of going on an absolute rampage. I take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself to speak to customers, a small mental pep talk repeating in my head as I walk out of of the shoddy door hiding the break room. 

My laptop is still open on the counter in front of me as I walk out of the back room, smiling at the pretty brown-haired girl that had just walked in. She gives me a polite smile and a small hello, walking up to the counter as I lean forward to rest my arms on the cool glass. 

"Welcome to Tune In, anything I can help you with?" I stare up at her, watching her big blue eyes glance around the store before landing back on mine, a defeated smile on her face.

"Do you have the Metallica record that's like," She motions with her hands, trying to somehow mimic the album cover. "It's like, red, and it has a cross on it?"

"Yeah, I know which one you're talking about," I smile, nodding over toward where it is. "C'mon I'll show you."

I play with the rings on my hands absentmindedly as we walk the short distance to the little rack that it would be in. She glances around the little music shop, her hands delicately behind her back as she looks around, nodding in approval. 

"It's cute here," She watches as I carefully flip through the records. "The shop, I mean."

"Thank you," I glance around, taking a quick look at the guitars hung up on the wall, the records and CD's too scratched to work anymore used as decoration, plants hanging from the celling and on the windowsills . "I decorated it myself, my boss is never here."

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