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Mentions of running away as a teen, Swearing, Blood, Descriptions of memory loss, Description of fainting, descriptions of nose bleeds, Mentions of alcohol use, Mentions of weed use. Each part will have it's own warnings! If I missed anything, Let me know!


Allora's P.O.V

I read the journal on my bedroom floor after Eddie left my room. I wish I hadn't.

Ignorance is bliss, that's what they say.

Apparently, according to myself-a version of myself I just barely remember-I didn't run away, not really. It was after that night, that awful, fucking night, the one I wish I could forget. I left home, wandering aimlessly down the streets of downtown Portland, like I always did on bad days.

But this day was worse, and I walked a little too far.

I was only 14, just barely so, miles away from home, still covered in the splatter of blood as the sun got lower and the moon got higher. I was exhausted, finding a spot underneath an overpass to sit down for a moment when a van pulled up, 'International Laboratories' printed on the side. A woman in a uniform opened the back door, telling me she was with the police, that she could help me,

And I was young, and stupid, and desperate, and I got in the van.

On top of the ominous way I wrote to my future self about how I ended up in the lab, I had scribbled the word and phrase; 'Electric!!' And 'Remember Electricity!!" about a million times in the corners of pages.

What about the electricity, you vague little weirdo? God, I am no help.

Last night was rough. I could barely sleep after reading the first few pages of the journal, having to put it down sooner than I would've liked. All the words I was eating up would churn in my brain and stomach, making me sick and unable to process what I was reading anymore. I had to stop after about 6 pages.

And now, I'm exhausted. And my alarm ringing next to me feels more like a gunshot to my ears rather than the calming tune from The Legend Of Zelda that I have picked out as my alarm tone.

I'm not sure how, or why, but the second I turn off my alarm, I'm passed back out.

Actually, fine. I do know exactly how and why, but I really didn't mean to!

When my eyes open again, what feels like ten seconds later, is actually more like 40 minutes. I scramble out of bed, knowing I have to be at work in less than a half hour, and still haven't showered or brushed my teeth.

Fuck, goddammit.

I step out of my room, towel in my hand, my knuckles white from how hard I'm gripping the fabric, only to see Eddie reaching for the bathroom door, hair still messy as he yawns, towel in his hand, and a much calmer demeanor compared to mine.

"Munson, I need the bathroom," I motion to the door, desperate to take as quick of a shower as I can so I can get to work on time. I smell like weed, and I was hanging out on the roof half the night. I need one. "Give me 10 minutes, please?"

"I got to the bathroom first, use the one downstairs." He shrugs, opening the door to step inside the bathroom.

"Nancy and Steve are already fighting over that one!" I can just barely hear them though the floor, and it's become routine at this point. "Dude, I'm gonna be late for work, I just need 10 minutes to shower."

"And I got to the bathroom first," He repeats, not a care in the world. "You snooze, you lose."

He closes the bathroom door behind him with a smirk, and I pause, staring at the wooden door completely dumfounded. What the fuck is wrong with him? Didn't we, like, have a nice normal conversation last night? What happened to that?

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