Game Night

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Warnings: MDNI 18+, Mentions of Alcohol use, Mentions of past domestic issues as a child, Descriptions of wounds, Blood, Descriptions of memory loss. Each part will have it's own warnings! If I missed anything, Let me know!


Allora's P.O.V

An orange glow flows through the windows, the sun setting casting golden rays of light into the kitchen. The air-pop popcorn machine whirrs loudly as the kernels blow around in the hot air, starting to pop slowly one by one, falling into the big metal bowl below the machine.

Steve had taken Eddies van to go pick up 'the kids', which apparently consists of Nancys little brother, his girlfriend, Some guy named Jonathan who Nancy used to date, that guys little brother, and three of their other friends, one of whom Eddie claims is 'the best of the bunch'

I'm almost nervous to meet them, actually. Even though it's mostly a bunch of barely 18-year-olds, they seem wildly important to this group I've grown so fond of the past few weeks, a tight-nit bunch.

"Who decided to take one of these little guys and blow 'em up?" Robin takes one of the pieces of popcorn freshly fallen into the bowl and pops it in her mouth, shaking her head with bewilderment as she watches the pieces falling into the bowl. "Humans are so weird."

"Probably the same guy that looked at a spicy pepper and deiced he liked the burning," I grab sodas from the fridge, gathering them into my arms to take them in the living room. "Despite it being a defense mechanism from the plant, to, y'know, avoid being eaten."

"That why you're so spicy?" Eddie lounges on the big purple armchair, which I recently found out he thrifted, much to my dismay, as it is my favorite seat in the house. "A defense mechanism?"

"Ha-ha," I deadpan, setting down the packs of chilled cola on the coffee table. "I for one, enjoy being eaten."

A smirk dances across my lips, growing when I see how taken aback he is for a moment by the comment. He snickers, shaking his head at me before grabbing a bottle of coke, my gold ring still firmly on his finger.

I glance down at the dark, skull shaped ring on my hand as I turn to walk back into the kitchen. I'm not sure exactly why I put it back on, mostly I'm just used to having a ring on that finger, and it feels weird not wearing one, even if the majority of my other fingers are already adorned by rings.

Nancy, Robin and I talk about aimless, goofy nothingness as we work around each other, setting out bowls and ice cream toppings on the kitchen island. Robin hands me the bowl of popcorn just as I attempt to squirt some of the whipped cream directly into my mouth, taking the can before I could complete the action, and placing the bowl in my now-empty hand.

Eddie is already leaning forward to grab popcorn out of the bowl before it even touches the table, tossing a piece into the air to catch it with his mouth, a goofy grin following the action as I shake my head at him, fighting the smile trying to creep its way onto my lips.

Voices are loud, but muffled behind the door as I hear the lock click, the front door opening to reveal an already tired-looking Steve, holding it open for everyone to pile into the house. I wander out to the entryway, leaning against the wall, watching in a mixture of amusement and delight at the scene playing out before me.

Steve tries-and fails to get the group to walk in, rather than all shove past each other. They shove and push anyway, a mixture of laughter and annoyance falling from them. I count heads when they're all in, six teens, and another man around our age trailing in shortly behind them.

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