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Swearing, Descriptions of memory loss, Mentions of alcohol use, Mentions of weed use. Each part will have it's own warnings! If I missed anything, Let me know!


Eddie's P.O.V

I wait down by the front door, boots already on, twirling the keys to my van in my fingers as I wait for Allora to come downstairs. I didn't remind her I was driving her to work tonight, knowing she'd probably try to fight me on it. That's my fault, for a myriad of reasons.

Last Sunday, admittedly, was probably a hard day for her now that I know she was struggling to remember where she knew El from. And, knowing El doesn't have a soothing way of trying to get information from people.

She went to work, didn't let me drive her, and she came home beat to shit. I'm sure the other guy looked worse, or else she probably wouldn't have even made it home that night.

That thought freaked me out too much, knowing how easy it could be prevented if I just get over my own shit and drive her. Just because I'm scared of my own confusing ass feelings doesn't mean she needs to be in danger.

I know that she said she's walked to work since she started there, but it doesn't change that she got into a fight the other day, and I don't like how everyone who knew her asked if she was getting into fights 'again'.

Allora jogs down the steps, and I think she might have actually been created in a lab for a moment. The deep red silky top, rolled up at her elbows, unbuttoned just enough to see something black and lacy poking through. I can't help but wonder what the rest of her bra looks like.

My eyes land on the sliver of skin poking from between where her shirt is tied up and her jeans are, seeing the vaguest glimpse of a tattoo. God, I've never wanted to see the rest of a tattoo so fucking bad.

Woah, woah. Don't be a perv, Eddie. Jesus.

"Move, Munson," I didn't even realize she had gotten all the way to me, standing right in front of me as she motions toward the door I'm blocking. "I need to get to work."

"I already told you last week I'd drive you."

"That was Sunday, it's Friday." She says very matter-of-factly, a small smirk dancing across her lips. "Hasn't been a whole week."

"Okay, Princess. Then I told you last Sunday that I was going to drive you."

"Then, you still need to move." She seems far less irritated than when I showed up to her work yesterday, accidently acquiring a job. I think our conversation in the van helped. At least, I hope it did. 

I haven't really decided if I'm going to be nicer to her or not, but I'll test the water's at least.

"You're gonna let me drive you?" I cock my head to the side, not expecting her to let me drive her without a fight.

"If you keep taking forever then no-"

I move quickly, opening the door, and motioning for her to walk out of the house. Robin happens to walk out of Nancy's room to see the very end of the conversation, giving me a goofy smile and a thumbs up before I walk out of the house.

Robin has been urging me to be a little nicer to Allora, saying if I stop making so many jabs at her, she thinks we'll end up really good friends. She has sat me down at least four times practically begging me to stop giving Allora such a hard time, saying she sees that I go out of my way to be more of an ass than usual when she's around, and to stop doing that. 

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