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Mentions of running away as a teen, Mentions of forgetting to eat and getting dizzy, Descriptions of bruises, Brief mention of past panic attacks, Brief mention of past ED if you squint really hard, Swearing, Blood, Descriptions of memory loss, Description of fainting, descriptions of nose bleeds, Weed Use, Mentions of Chrissy's death. Each part will have it's own warnings! If I missed anything, Let me know!


Eddie's P.O.V

The steady beeping of the heart monitor, combined with the uncomfortable chair I'm sitting in makes it impossible to fall asleep, but not impossible to keep my eyes closed and my head rested back against the wall. Good enough.

My leg rests over one of the small, flimsy armrests, waiting impatiently for Allora to wake up. The rest of the gang couldn't stay, a mixture of work and not being immediate family. One of us had to stay, though, according to the three of them.

And, since I have the van, and no work tomorrow, it was decided that it would be me. I panicked when the staff asked me which immediate family member I was, and chose husband. Fucking, oops. That'll be so much fun to explain to her when she wakes up, I'm sure she'll be thrilled.

We weren't sure what to do when she passed out at first, the last words out of her mouth before she fainted where 'I'm fine' as she was actively passing out on the floor bleeding, very clearly not fine.

Not that I'm worried, or anything.

I wonder what made her faint, exactly. Was it trying to remember, or did something happen? We've seen El pass out like this before, when she's used her powers too much, but I didn't see Allora using her powers, I just saw her mumbling vague words and then tapping a tune on the table before her nose started bleeding.

"Munson?" Her voice pulls me out of my thoughts, moving my head away from it's spot against the wall to look at her. "What," She pauses, her eyes squinting in the harsh florescent lighting. "Why am I in the hospital?"

"You fainted, Princess."

"Don't--" She sighs, closing her eyes. She doesn't have the energy to fight. "Jesus. Why are you here?"

"One of us had to stay."

"And it had to be you?"

"Rest of 'em had work." I shrug, leaning my head back against the wall, my eyes shutting. "I'm your husband if one of the nurses ask, by the way."

"Sorry?" She gives me a dry laugh full of disbelief, and I don't have to look back at her to see the hard glare she's giving me.

"They said I couldn't stay unless I was family."

"And 'cousin' was off the table?"

Someone walks in the room before I can respond, and I look up to see it's one of the nurses, who had mentioned he knew her from a couple years ago. He smiles at her as he walks into the room, flipping a piece of paper up from his clipboard as does.

He's a Steve-type, with that boy-next-door vibe and hair he took too long to style. I can't see a single piercing or tattoo on him. I wonder how they know each other, he seemed pretty adamant about being her nurse, and I've seem him poke his head in way too often to see if she woke up. 

She smiles back at him as he moves beside her bed, an expression I can't quite place as she crosses her arms, clearly recognizing the man. I see one of her dimples poke through as she smiles up at him, a twinkle in her eye I haven't seen before.

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