All to familiar

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Ricky's pov

I woke up early this morning, feeling a bit groggy but I tried not to make any noise so that Rowan could continue to sleep. I knew she had been struggling to sleep these past few days, and I didn't want to disturb her much-needed rest. I got out of bed slowly and quietly, taking care not to make any sudden movements. I started gathering all of her belongings so that we could leave as soon as the guys arrived.

As I looked around the room, I saw that Caleb and Rosie were still sound asleep. I went to the drawer to grab Rowan's outfit, but I saw that her shirt was in pretty bad shape. So, I decided to give her my hoodie instead. I carefully took it off and laid it on the bed, making sure not to wake her up. I then took out her pants from the drawer and put them aside.

Suddenly, a picture fell out of the drawer. I picked it up carefully and saw that it was a picture of me and Rowan from one of our first dates. I couldn't help but smile at the memory. It was a great reminder of how far we had come since then, and how much we had grown as a couple.

As I was sitting and waiting, I suddenly heard Rowan coughing badly. I turned to her in worry and saw that her face had turned quite red. Concerned, I tried to calm her down and asked if she needed anything. "Babe.. can you get me some water please?" she asked weakly.

"Of course, I'll be right back," I assured her. "If the guys get here before I get back, have the doctor come in and check everything," I added before leaving her room.

I quickly made my way to the lobby where I grabbed one of the cups and filled it with ice and water. As I was doing so, I noticed Vinny, a friend of ours, come inside. "Hey Ricky, how is she doing?" he asked with a worried expression on his face.

"I think she's coming down with a small cold. She woke up with a violent cough," I replied, trying to sound as reassuring as possible. Vinny looked at me in a sad way before we headed back to Rowan's room.

Rowan's pov

I was sitting in the hospital room, feeling weak and vulnerable, waiting for Ricky to return. Suddenly, the door opened and Chris, Ryan, and Justin entered the room. "Aw Row, you don't look so good," Chris said, concerned. Just then, the doctor walked in, excusing himself as he moved past Chris. "Hi, Mrs. Olson, unfortunately, it's time to put the cast on your arm, and then you'll be able to go home," he said, examining me. Panic set in as I realized that I wouldn't be able to cover the bill if my insurance didn't cover this. Then, I saw Ricky and Vinny enter the room. "My insurance is going to cover this, right?" I asked, worried. "Yes, you don't have to worry," Ricky reassured me.

The doctor came closer to me and began to put the cast on my left arm. I flinched at his touch, but I knew it was necessary. "You'll need to come back in about two months to see how you've been doing," he said, and I nodded slowly. "While we're here, do you want to get the babies checked on?" he asked, referring to my newborn twins. My eyes widened in surprise, but I declined his offer, saying that we would make an appointment with their doctor. Chris and Vinny picked up the babies, and I quickly checked out. Ricky helped me gather the rest of my belongings, and we left the hospital, relieved that the worst was over.

As soon as we got into the car, I could feel my anxiety surging. Chris broke the silence and urged me to recount what had happened. I glanced at Ricky, seeking his support, and he held my hand while rubbing his finger on my thumb in a reassuring manner. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my voice, and began to narrate the events.

I explained that I was in the process of cleaning myself up after getting stitches when everything happened in a flash. When I returned to the stage, the band was already playing "Wasp." Just as I was about to send a message to Ricky, Leo grabbed me. Ricky noticed what was happening and tried to rescue me, but it was too late. The memory of that fateful day was still fresh and raw, and the mere thought of it made my voice tremble.

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