All that i can give

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Ricky's pov

The atmosphere of the show felt noticeably different in Rowan's absence. As the performance concluded, we made our way back to the tour bus, and an eerie silence enveloped the space. Chris's voice shattered the stillness, echoing our collective concern, "WHERE IS SHE?!" I hurried over to him. "She went home, Chris. The stage was overwhelming for her, and she needed to be with our kids," I explained. Chris's frustration was palpable as he exclaimed, "We still have three shows left! She could have stayed!" Vinny intervened, "Chris, she was really struggling here. Let's just deal with this once we're back home." With that, Chris stormed off, retreating into the bunk room and slamming the door behind him.

"It's going to feel like an eternity over the next three days, but it's important for him to realize that Rowan really wanted to be back home, especially after everything she's been through in the past few weeks," I explained, and they all nodded in understanding. "Thankfully, we weren't too far from home, so she didn't have to be with that creepy person for too long.

Rowan's pov

After several hours of driving, I arrived back home. As I stepped through the front door, I was greeted by Ricky's mom. "Woah, you're home early! I thought you still had 3 shows left," she exclaimed. "We do, but I wanted to be home. The stage still scares me, even though Leo is gone now," I explained. She nodded in understanding. "Well, the babies have been good so far. None of them have been causing any problems," she said, and I nodded slowly in response.

I entered Ricky's bedroom and immediately felt the vibrations of my phone going off incessantly. With a sinking feeling in my stomach, I checked my phone and saw that Chris, was bombarding me with angry messages. "How dare you leave us, we only had 3 shows left! You could've stayed! I'm so disappointed in you! I want you out of my house before I get back!" Each word felt like a dagger, piercing through me. "Where am I supposed to go, Dad?" I messaged back, hoping for a shred of understanding. His response was cold and cutting, "Don't call me that anymore and figure it out!"

My thoughts immediately turned to Ricky. "What about Ricky...?" I typed through tear-filled eyes. "I don't want you seeing him anymore," he said, his words crushing my heart. "You can't do that..." I protested, but it was futile. "You're just a big distraction, now go!" With trembling hands, I set my phone down and let the tears flow, feeling lost and overwhelmed.

I noticed my phone vibrating and looked to see another message from Chris. "Oh, and by the way, Ricky was cheating on you anyway. He's actually hanging out with her right now," he said. "I don't believe you. Ricky would never do that. He loves me," I replied. "He's with his ex-girlfriend Jamie right now!" Chris insisted. Feeling upset, I set my phone down, wishing the night would just come to an end.

I lay on the bed, feeling a sense of numbness and exhaustion washing over me. Ricky's mom entered the room, her gentle voice breaking through the silence. "Hey hun, Ricky is on the phone," she said, her concern evident in her tone. I couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt as she mentioned Ricky. "Rowan?" she called my name, but I remained silent, unable to find the words to express my turmoil.

She paused for a moment before making a decision. "Hold on, Ricky. Let me call you back," she said before hanging up the phone. Turning her attention back to me, she asked with genuine concern, "Rowan, hun, what's wrong?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled to voice the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume me. "Chris is kicking me out of the house... and he said that I can't see Ricky anymore... you can't tell Ricky about this... not until I figure things out..." The weight of my words hung heavily in the air as I poured out my heart to her.

Without hesitation, she pulled me into a comforting embrace, offering solace in the midst of my turmoil. "You can stay with me," she said, her voice filled with warmth and understanding. "The house gets quiet without anyone but me there." Her words provided a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of my situation, and I nodded slowly, grateful for her kindness.

"I appreciate it, but I think I should find my own place for now," I managed to say, attempting to gather my thoughts amidst the chaos of my emotions. She nodded in understanding, offering her support as I navigated the uncertain path ahead.

Chris' pov

I don't feel guilty about my conversation with Rowan. It's important for her to understand that I'm in charge, especially since she chose not to stay with us for the last few days of the tour. I really hope she's preparing to leave by the time we get home. As I left the bunk room, I noticed Ricky looking concerned. "You okay, man?" I asked. "I don't know. I was just on the phone with mom, and she was checking on Rowan. It seemed like Rowan was upset or something," he said. I nodded in understanding.

Ryan, on the other hand, looked at me with a furious expression. "Did you do something to her?!" he shouted. "Of course not! Why would I do anything to her?" I replied, feeling a bit taken aback. "She should be safe back at our home," I assured them. Ricky looked at me in a strange way. "Let's just finish up these shows and get home," he said, and I agreed.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, feeling a surge of frustration. I quickly composed a text to Rowan, my fingers tapping on the screen with urgency. "You better not say anything to them, do you understand??" I hit send and anxiously waited for a response. After a few moments, there was still no reply. My impatience growing, I sent another message, this time emphasizing my point: "Do you understand?!" Still, there was no response from Rowan.

Ricky's pov

As I sat on the couch, my thoughts were consumed by concern for Rowan. Suddenly, my phone buzzed, and I saw that it was a text from my mom. I opened the message and was relieved to see a picture of Rowan peacefully sleeping on the bed. "She's sound asleep and safe," my mom's text reassured me. I quickly responded, "Okay, thank you."

As I examined the picture more closely, I noticed tear tracks on Rowan's cheeks. My heart sank. What had caused her to cry? I zoomed in on the image and saw that Rowan's phone was lit up with messages, but the contents were too blurry to make out. I couldn't help but wonder who had been texting her.

Glancing around the room, I noticed Chris engrossed in his own phone. Could he have said something to upset her?

I rose from the comfort of the couch and approached Chris with a sense of urgency. "Did you say something to hurt Rowan?" I questioned, my tone revealing my concern. Chris met my gaze with a look of unease. "Of course not! I care for her as if she were my own," he insisted. A look of revulsion flashed across his face as he spoke. "If I discover that you're lying, I'll have no choice but to move out," I declared firmly before walking away. Despite his denial, I couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't being truthful. Finding concrete evidence would be essential if I were to confront him about it.

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