Chapter 1: Little Cat Caught In The Claws Of Mischief

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CatNap didn't want to sleep anymore, he wanted to play with his friends. CatNap had heard his friends waking up without him last week. Some of them sounded different and some of them sounded the same. So, why couldn't he wake up too? For once he wanted to wake up but something was stopping him. Someone didn't want him to wake up.

"Why isn't that damn cat waking up?!" Screamed a scientist.

"The AI is reacting to us but the soul is refusing to wake up, sir." Another scientist replied calmly.

"Well, reprogram the AI to wake the soul up! We can't have that cat sleeping during the first day of PlayCare."

"I can't reprogram it, sir. It's going to ruin its behavior, personality and it could even let the soul be in-"

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE ABOUT ANY OF THAT?!" They yelled. "Replace the AI with a new one and put the old one back into the system, do I make myself clear?"

"Y-yes sir!"

"Good. Report back to me when you have succeeded."

CatNap heard the angry scientist leave the room. Why was he so mad at him? If anything, the real person to be mad at was whoever this 'Soul' person was! The calmer scientist had grabbed something, mumbling out an apology before injecting something into CatNap.

He jolted up from his bed, sweating and panting. The sleep-themed cat looked around his bedroom, but everything seemed normal. With a sigh, he got up from his bed and put on his moon pendant. CatNap left his room and looked outside from his bay window.

Nobody was outside doing anything. Crafty wasn't doing any paintings, Kickin' and Hoppy weren't arguing about who cheated in whatever sport they were playing this time, Picky wasn't having a picnic with Bobby and Bubba, and DogDay wasn't outside trying to calm down anyone's arguments. Instead, it was a ghost town.

Shoving a biscuit into his mouth, CatNap left his cat tower and went to investigate the missing Critters. The closest house that was near him was Crafty's castle and DogDay's house. He rushed over to DogDay's house, normally he was up and awake in the mornings. The purple cat knocked at the door.

No response.

After a few moments, he knocked again.

No response.

He impatiently growled before grabbing the key that was under the mat and unlocked the door. The home was dusty but everything was the same nonetheless. The cat made his way towards the dog's bedroom, he knocked on the door and still didn't get a response. He cleared his throat.

"DogDay? Are you awake?" CatNap asked before having a small coughing fit.

No response once more.

Normally whenever CatNap spoke, DogDay would make a big deal about it or attempt to be calm about his best friend speaking. He opened the door only to reveal that DogDay wasn't anywhere. His sun pendant was sitting on top of his dresser, collecting dust. CatNap grabbed his best friend's pendant, cleaned away the dust, and put it back where he found it. The calendar on the wall read today's date 'August 8th 1992'. His tail began to flick nervously as he left his best friend's home.

The next one on the list was Crafty's castle. He had been to the unicorn's home a few times, but not enough to know where she kept the spare key in case of an emergency. Knowing that knocking was useless, he began to climb the castle to look for an open window.

Climbing the colorful stone castle was harder than climbing his cat tower! The stone grew hot as CatNap climbed faster around the castle. Crafty's handmade curtains flew in the wind.

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