Result Bx01

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Result Bx01

"What did you just call me?!"


(Y/N) and Vaggie glared at each other for a moment, before (Y/N) suddenly broke the silence, speaking in a soft yet serious tone, "I knew I was speaking to a soldier." Vaggie's eyes widened, looking at (Y/N) with shock and rage, "It's you, isn't?" Vaggie asked in anger. "Who do you think?" (Y/N) asked harshly, pushing the sphere away from her neck. "(Y/N), what are you doing here?" Vaggie growled, glaring daggers at the newly fallen angel.

"Ya know, I could ask you the same thing. Considering the fact that you're an exorcist." (Y/N) growled, walking circles around Vaggie. "EX exorcist, little girl. And you should know better than anyone not to cross me." Vaggie warned, trying hardly not to hurt (Y/N). "And you should know better than anyone that I run my mouth like a faucet. So you better watch yourself before I end up turning it." (Y/N) threatened, glaring down at the hot headed warrior.

"That's the little bitch I remember, daddy got tired of your shit, didn't he?" Vaggie asked in a smug tone. "On the contrary, soldier, I got tired of his. So I spoke out against him, against the exorcist, against everyone who knew about the extermination." (Y/N) exclaimed before continuing her statement, "But in the end, you see where that got me."

"That still doesn't answer my question. Why are you here?" Vaggie questioned once again, tired of asking. "Well besides me landing in the damn building, I'm here because I wanna escape before extermination day. Or at least hide." Vaggie laughed and asked (Y/N), "Escape? You think you actually have a chance at going back up? Just for you to start running that little mouth of yours? Little girl they're gonna come for you first."

(Y/N) gritted her teeth and argued, "I KNOW THAT! That's why I'm here. So unless you don't want me running my little mouth of mine to Charlie, then I would suggest you to shut your mouth." Vaggie growled while holding her sphere up to your neck once again, "You wouldn't dare you balless b-"

"Now, now my dear, is that anyway to treat a guest?" (Y/N) and Vaggie both turned around just to see Alastor, his smirk growing big. (Y/N) eyes widened with fear as Vaggie asked Alastor in a deadly tone, "How much did you hear?" Alastor smirk widened as he replied, "Not much..." (Y/N) sighed in relief before walking away from Vaggie, going to find the rest of the crew while Vaggie muttered something in Spanish before shouting, "Why are you even here!?" Alastor chuckled and explained to Vaggie, "For the entertainment. I came here because I love seeing wasteful souls struggle to accomplish something meaningful, and fail spectacularly. Like you are doing now! Good job!"

"And here is Alastor the egocentric piece of SHIT that-" Before Vaggie could say anything else, the camera started glitching with green mist around it. Which made Vaggie drop the camera and her eyes wide with fear. "I wouldn't try that my dear. This face was made for RaDIo." Once he was done, Vaggie growled and stomped up to him, angrily saying,

"THAT'S IT! I don't care WHO or WHAT you are! If you're staying here, you're gonna make this work! Because it won't be so Entertaining if we watch over empty hotel. Will it shit ass?!" In response, Alastor smile widened before saying while walking up to Vaggie, "Fair enough, I'll tell you what, let's make a deal." Vaggie let out a small laugh and asked Alastor while sitting down in the chair. "You think I'm that stupid? Making a deal with a demon like you?"

"Not for your soul, just a simple deal. I do this for you, and you never ask me to engage with this frivolous television technology ever again." Alastor explained to Vaggie. Vaggie didn't respond, making Alastor say, "Or... Charlie can come back to absolutely nothing. Your choice." Vaggie thought for a minute before sighing and saying, "Fine." Before handing Alastor the camera.

Alastor smirked and said, "Now then." Before turning the whole place into a film set, with a camera crew and everything. Vaggie turned to look over to (Y/N), about to say something. But before Vaggie could say anything out her mouth, (Y/N) whispered to Vaggie in a soft yet harshly, "Listen to me, and you listen to me carefully. You can say any other silly little shit to me anytime of the day. But if you ever threaten me again, I will run my mouth like a water fountain in front of your whole crew."

(Y/N) then went behind the set and took one of the cameras out of the crew's hand. Vaggie quietly growled, gritting her teeth together, before turning back to the rest of the crew. "Alright everyone, let's make a fucking commercial."

Time skip brought to you by an awesome guitar solo sung by a shitty person.

Charlie walked back into the hotel with her head down in devistation, not noticing Vaggie running back towards her with a smile on her face. "How'd it go, did they listen?" Vaggie asked with hope in her eyes. But before Charlie could answer, Vaggie said in excitement, "Oh! Come here! We have something exciting to show you.~" Vaggie took Charlie's hand and dragged her to the couch to sit down, besides a sleep deprived (Y/N), tired from all those reshoots.

"Alastor pulled some strings and it's about to air!" Vaggie said cheerfully, with Alastor following up by saying, "I pulled a few limbs too!" "Wait, the commercial? You guys made a new one?" Charlie asked. Angel chimed in and by saying "Yeah, one of my better performances if I do say so myself." Charlie's eyes glistened with hope and said "That's... That's amazing." Angel Dust cut her off and by saying sternly "Sh! It's starting!"

Once the commercial finally started to roll, it ended as fast as it started, getting cut off by a news broadcast. Everyone groaned and growled as the news reporter began to speak, "Breaking news in hell today. We have just received word from the heaven embassy that the extermination is happening sooner than ever before! Do you know what that means Tom?" "No, what does that mean Katie?" "It means we're all royally FUCKED!"

Once the news cut off, it immediately showed the clock cutting the time in half. (Y/N)'s eyes widened with fear as she exclaimed, "What the FUCK!?"


[I know I said a week, but let's be honest. We already knew who that vote]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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