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"I'm literally gonna go to sleep Maki"

"Is it THAT hard paying attention in class Y/n?"

"Bro, who willingly wants to go to class at 8.30. Everyone's eyes are literally drooping right now."

"Maki, Y/n, if you're not going to focus, get out of this class!"

Maki and I side eyed each other, mentally cursing the teacher. She was too old for the job anyways. I laid my head on the desk, falling asleep instantly on the hard surface.


Hearing the bell ring, I opened my eyes. Stretching lightly as i turned over to my seat mate packing her things.

"Did you dream about me? You slept like a log n/n."

"Yea I did, we were in bed smooching and than we-"

Maki slapped a hand over my mouth, glaring at me slightly. I got up from my seat, packing my notebook and pencil case which were probably the only things I brought to the class.

I left the classroom with Maki, saying my goodbyes to her as our lockers were like 10 miles away from each other. I saw Gojo and Geto near one of the lockers as I was walking to mine. And of course I approached them.





I cheered as I was walking to them. Giving Gojo a hug and high-fiving Geto too. Gojo and I have been friends since we were born so I'd be more comfortable with him obviously. We chatted for a bit before I had to head to class. We waved goodbye, Gojo giving me a blow kiss in the process which I completely ignored.


Heading to class, I spotted a familiar pink head. Hoping it wasn't Sukuna, my ex, this asshole cheated on me with some hoe at a party that we BOTH attended and had matching outfits to. I walked faster to class, in hopes of ignoring it. Even if it was Yuuji, I wouldn't test my luck on this shit.

I walked through the classroom door, spotting my beloved pink haired seat mate that I may or may not have mistook Sukuna for a few minutes before this. He was sitting down and getting ready for the class, he noticed my pair of eyes looking towards him and shot me a small wave,in which I returned. I walked towards him, giving a side hug as a greeting whilst I settled down into my seat.

"You would NOT believe who I saw in the hallways"


"Sukuna.. and I may or may not have mistaken him for you but thank GOD, I didn't approach him."

"It's because I have pink hair right.. this is offensive to pink heads you know.."


Mr Ijichi, our teacher, entered the classroom with his usual attire. Which consisted of a white button up paired with long black work pants and a loosely tied tie. He was leaning to the chill side of teachers but he also had care and concern for students which made him a good teacher overall.

"Settle down class, today we'll be learning about the History of the Great Wall Of China. Flip your textbooks to page 42."


Time went by fast as it was already lunch time. Maybe it was because I was paying attention but that's not the main point at the moment.

"I wonder how many people are confessing to Choso today?"

"Who's Choso?"

"Choso is my older brother, he's like my half brother but he's super popular."

I finished packing my things as I exited the classroom. The hallway was super crowded, considering that it was Valentine's Day. I always dreaded that one specific day of the year, mainly because I hate the romantic shit that everyone does specifically on this day. Why do you need a specific day to do something good for your partner?

I squeezed through the crowd, finding Maki in the process. We glanced around, trying to find a route to the cafeteria, our eyes meeting a couple making out near the lockers. We both side eyed each other, reacting to the scene with a gagging action.

I saw a group of girls,gathered around a black haired man with pigtails with Yuuji beside him. I waved to Yuuji and glanced at the man beside him. Somewhat asking him who that guy was. I realised that it was probably his brother.

I walked away, not before making brief eye contact with the man whose name was Choso. As mentioned by my beloved best friend. That moment of eye contact felt a bit too long even though it was probably only a second at most. The tension just for a second was way too much, if it was longer I would've started blushing. Maki grabbed my hand which snapped me out of my senses as she dragged me to the cafeteria.

Choso found himself asking Yuuji,

"Who's that girl over there?"

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