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"Woah, she's pretty."

"Who the fuck are you talking about?"

Looking in the direction of where his brother was looking, he caught a glimpse of a certain h/c haired girl being dragged away.

"Oh you mean Y/n?"

"That's her name?"

"Yea, she's my best friend. We sit beside each other during history."

The pigtailed man tried moving past the crowd of girls, trying to see where the girl he laid his eyes on had gone off to but to no avail, she had already disappeared into the crowd.

At the cafeteria

Maki had found her way through the crowd, pulling Y/n with her through the route that she found. Entering the cafeteria, she saw the usual spot that her friends sat at. Both Maki and Y/n waving to the two black and white haired boys known to be Yuta and Inumaki.

"We were waiting for you two, what took so long?"

A hint of annoyance in Yuta's tone which soon dissipated as Inumaki nodded his head in agreement. They did wait 20 minutes for Maki and Y/n.

"It's Valentine's Day, what would you expect? There's probably tons of people lining up at the back of the school to confess to Gojo and Geto at the moment."

"As expected from them, Satoru has been a womaniser since his BIRTH."

The group decided to get their food, waiting in line, a familiar black haired man had entered the cafeteria. Looking around, their eyes met once again but the eye contact was more prolonged, without any interruptions of course.

"Y/n, what's your order? I'm paying today."

The girl turned away to answer her friend's question, thanking her with a smile. One that Choso had started to admire, as he scanned her face from a distance away in a split second before he had to head off and deal with the swarming girls around his poor brother.

She turned around, hoping to see the proclaimed Choso Kamo. But the sight that met her eyes was his back turned facing her, ready to leave the cafeteria.

A part of her wanted him to stay but she realised that wanting a stranger to continue staring at her was creepy. Thinking about the split moments they held each other's eyes made her imagine more scenarios in most where she would actually talk to him.

'I'll ask Yuuji for his IG later'

Was what she thought, but would never have the guts to do.


Y/n waved her friends goodbye, heading to her locker. She found herself thinking about the interaction with him, making up ways on how she could talk to him instead of looking at him. She was in her own world, reaching her destination as she looked to the side. A sight in which snapped her out of her train of thought which was Choso being a few lockers away from hers, gathering his things for the next class.

The male noticed her staring, waving at her, he approached her.

"You're friends with Yuuji, right? I'm Choso, Choso Kamo, his brother."

"Oh hi! I saw Yuuji with you earlier, you have quite the crowd."

She smiled at him as he found himself wanting to see that pretty smile more. Was he falling for her already? He literally just met her.

"May I have your number? Id love to talk to you more."

He pulled out his phone, clicking into an empty contact and holding his phone out to her.

A small blush crept onto her face as she took the phone and started typing out her number.

"There, I'll see you soon? I have to get to class."

She felt her cheeks cool down as she looked up at him, waving goodbye with that smile that he started to love on her face.

 𝑰 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝒀𝑶𝑼 •  𝑲.𝑪𝑯𝑶𝑺𝑶Where stories live. Discover now