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" Good morning "

She awoke from the sound of a familiar but annoying person that she knew, in which she tried to ignore and go back to sleep, thinking it was a dream but to no avail in getting the extra sleep that she wanted as the man, named Satoru Gojo, had poked her cheek and started disturbing her even more.

She groaned in annoyance as the man child continued to poke fun at her. Y/n slapped his hand away from her face, turning to the other side of the bed.


" No can do Y/n, this is IMPORTANT. "

" How important is it that you have to wake me up from my afternoon nap? "

" FYI, it's evening now babe. Anyways it's literally about your man, Choso. "

She got up at the speed of light upon hearing the man's name that she thought about almost every day. Y/n still felt sleepy, bringing her head to her male friends' shoulder.

" Continue. "

" Okay so, today, me and Suguru were walking down the halls. No big deal right? Then SUDDENLY, we saw Choso and your funky ass ex fighting their asses off in the hallways. And of course we don't wanna get in the fight, so we walked away. NOT BEFORE we heard Sukuna say something about you and Choso punching his ass in the face for that.. "

" The fuck did that bitch say about me? "

" He said something about you selling your body and that you're a whore. "

" The FUCK? I'm still virgin bro, no way I'm a whore when he's fucked like 20 different people. Maybe he has an STD from all the people he slept with. "

She rubbed her eyes, lacking the skill to process all the information she just heard as she just woke up.

" So you came ALL THE WAY to my dorm, entered my room without ANY permission and woke me up just to tell me this. "

" Uh no, I need company too and I wanna sleep over cuz I bet you missed me from not seeing me all the time. "

He pulled Y/n into a bear hug, trapping her in his embrace as she groaned in annoyance, trying to pry him off her.


" YES I AM, Y/N L/N. "

Y/n sighed in defeat, hugging the overenthusiastic Satoru Gojo back. Patting his back before pushing him away to get your personal space.

" Did you at least bring a bag of clothes Satoru? "

" Of course I did Y/n! Why did you think I didn't? "

" Good. Go take a shower, you fucking stink from basketball practice. "

She pointed to the bathroom, pinching her nose as she pushed Satoru in the direction to the bathroom with her free hand. The white haired male grabbed his backpack full off clothes, turning around and waving his arm as he went to take a shower.

Just then, a notification popped up on her phone, leading to a bzzt sound emitting from the device.

She clicked on the notification, leading to the platform that Choso always texts her on. In which, she earned a text from him.

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