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Y/n stretched her arms, exiting the classroom. It was currently free period for her as she headed to the library. She usually spent her free period in the library as none of her friends shared the same schedule as her.

Heading to her locker, she was thinking about what she should do in the library. Maybe she should catch up with her studies as she spent most of her classes sleeping. She didn't have a good nights sleep as her white haired best friend slept in the most inhuman positions known to mankind, causing her to be forced into a corner of the bed.

Placing her books in the locker, she slotted in her AirPods into her ears. Hitting play on Spotify and skipping through songs until she found the song she liked.

As she walked in the direction of the library, she looked around the hallways, hoping to see at least someone she's familiar with. She didn't exactly like being alone in places where people gathered, it made her feel uneasy.

She entered the library, feeling the cold air the moment she pulled open the glass door. She took a seat at one of the secluded tables as she started unpacking her things. Placing her notes for different subjects and pulling out the books that matched the notes that she was going to study.

She took a seat, starting off with the harder subjects which involved more memorising and writing. As the time went by, she stayed focused until a certain pig tailed man entered the library.

Choso saw her from a distance, he originally came here because he wanted to spend his free period at a quiet place. He thought that it was cute that Y/n was so focused, and how lucky he was to see you here.

Y/n felt a tap on her shoulder, she paused the song that she was listening to and looked up, making eye contact with Choso. She waved awkwardly as the man asked her whether he could take a seat beside her.

" Can I sit here? "

" Sure, I'm studying at the moment so don't mind me. "

Sitting down, Choso flipped open the book that he had chosen from one of the bookshelves before he came to Y/n. Reading the first page, he found the book quite boring at the start so he glanced over to Y/n's side. Seeing that she was studying History, he kind of felt bad that he couldn't help because he took Geography instead.

He glanced up at her face instead, seeing that there was nothing to look at in her history notes, admiring her facial features. He had never seen her face so up close before, he liked the way she pursed her lips when she was focused and how her eyes looked more relaxed than usual. He liked her calm expression but also liked seeing the ends of her lips curve up whenever she flashes a smile.

He didn't realise how much he was staring, the side of his face rested on the palm of his hand with his head turned to the side, admiring the girl that was too busy to notice the prolonged staring.

Soon enough, Y/n turned over to Choso. She took one of her AirPods out of her ear, offering it to Choso, not before rubbing it extra clean on her shirt even though there was nothing on it.

Choso mouthed a 'thank you' as he slotted it in his ear. He started listening to whatever music that was playing, he heard the next song come into play. It being " Apple Cider " by Beabadoobee.

We both like apple cider but your hair be smelling like fruit punch.

He laid his head on the table, crossing his arms underneath his head. His face looking up at hers but she didn't seem to be looking back at him.

And I don't even like you that much

He found himself staring at her again, he knew it was weird but he couldn't seem to take his eyes off her.

Wait, I do, fuck

He thought she looked really pretty at all angles, not that he has seen all of them but she somehow managed to look so pretty in his eyes even if she wasn't even looking at him.

Call me at midnight

His mind wondered off to the times when he was texting her, he often thought hard about what he should say but still regretted most of his texts.

Let's give this thing a try

Y/n stretched her arms, she had finally finished studying. She looked to the side, her eyes meeting with Choso's. She propped her elbow on the table, placing her chin on the palm of her hand. She smiled at Choso, tucking her hair behind her ear.

In which, Choso felt his cheeks heat up as he turned to face the other side. The song coming to an end as he took out the AirPod in his ear, wiping it with his shirt and returning it to Y/n.

" it's 10.24am, free period is ending soon. Wanna walk to the next class with me? "

Y/n nodded, she packed her books and notes back into her bag as she kept the earbuds back into the case. They exited the library, walking through the crowded hallways together.

" I have History as my next lesson, what about you? "

" I have Geography sadly."

She reached the classroom surprisingly fast, the two finished up their conversation and waved goodbyes as she entered the class. There she saw her best friend, Itadori Yuuji.

" Y/n Y/n, were you talking to my brother just now? YOU EVEN CAME TO CLASS WITH HIM! "

" Chill out Yuuji! He was JUST walking me to class. "

" Why was he walking you to class thought? "

" We were at the library before this and his class happened to be on the same route as mine! "

Y/n settled down in her seat, she had to deal with being bombarded by detective Yuuji's non stop questions about her relationship with Choso and whether they liked each other or not.

" For the last time Yuuji, we aren't a couple and we're not together! "

"Fine, sorry Y/n BUT if you wanna date my brother, you have my fullest blessing! "

" STOP. "

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