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Walking down the crowded hallways, her eyes full of tiredness. Who could blame her? It was way too early for classes.

She was definitely not ready for interaction at the moment, having her AirPods in and a bag pack full of books.

Looking around, she spotted a familiar pigtailed man but this time, with a really attractive female.

She had long blonde hair, ending at the base of her hips. The female looked fairly pale and had beautifully glossed lips with really nice curves, giving her an hourglass body. She seemed to be conversing with Choso.

'Oh shit, did I talk to a taken man yesterday'

She overthought, feeling a wave of awkwardness when the male saw her and shot her a wave, in which she returned.

She headed to her locker, meeting Gojo and Geto in the hallways and greeting them like she normally did.

"Oh my gosh, I think I talked to a taken guy yesterday."

"Oh shit, I think you're done if the girlfriend finds out."

Gojo replied, based off his past experiences. He had an awfully bad history with lesbian females and their girlfriends.

"Okay so his name is Choso, he's kinda attractive and we were texting at night yesterday. The girl that he was talking to in the hallways was super hot like hot hot. And if they're dating , I'm literally gonna kill myself."

"Okay slow down there girl, you do know he's in the hockey team with Sukuna right.. and maybe you shouldn't go for one of his teammates because if Sukuna finds out, he's defo gonna go ballistic."

Geto nodded in agreement, maybe it wasn't a good idea to go for Sukuna's teammates.

"Oh yea, I heard that Sukuna hasn't gotten over you like deadass. He hit up this one girl and called her your name by accident.."





"I don't care about Sukuna, I'm gonna go for Choso either way.. IF he's single. If he's not, I'm backing the fuck away."

The bell rang, signalling that classes were about to start.

She waved goodbye to Gojo and Geto, heading to her first class of the day, Woohoo!

Y/n took sat down next to my favourite table partner, Maki! She had a troubled expression on her face.

"What happened, you don't look very happy today."

"Okay so you know how I live alone but still have to visit my family. They asked me to move back in with them and obviously I was pissed off cuz if you're gonna make me live alone, don't ask me to move back in again. Like the fuck is wrong with you"

"Settle down class, flip your textbooks to page 56."

Y/n gave her a reassuring pat on the back as she fought off her sleep, trying to pay attention.


Y/n finally finished her classes, walking to her locker to put away her books. A familiar black haired man made his way to her, tapping Y/n on the shoulder. She turned around, trying to find out who was behind her.

The male took a step back, giving the h/c haired girl personal space.

"Oh, hi Choso! How's your day?"

"Fine, why didn't you talk to me this morning?"

"I saw this really pretty girl talking to you so I decided that I shouldn't interrupt your conversation. Sorry."

"Pretty girl? Are you sure? The only pretty girl I saw was you."

 𝑰 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝒀𝑶𝑼 •  𝑲.𝑪𝑯𝑶𝑺𝑶Where stories live. Discover now