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Her eyes lit up, lips curving into a smile. She knew she was pretty but being complimented was something she didn't know how to take. She generally didn't know how to respond to compliments. She was quite awkward actually so responding was the hard part.

"Oh uhm..thanks for the compliment?"

Her choice of response made her mentally slap herself in the face.

"Sorry,I just don't know how to take compliments."

"Its fine, are you free aft-"


A certain white headed man child was running towards you and Choso who turned out to be the one and only GOJO SATORU. Y/n swore she was going to kill her childhood bestfriend because of this.

Choso turned around and started walking away, deciding to let you and the manchild talk to each other.


"What the fuck happened that was so bad to the point you had to interrupt the moment I almost got asked out."


"Whatever, what happened and where is Geto?"

"He's with Shoko at the moment, back to the main point. You know how Britney is cheating on Darron? BRITNEY IS PREGNANT AND THEYRE TRYING TO FIND OUT THE BABY DADDY."


"I'm placing my bets on Josh."

"This is giving that one "You are not the father" show.."

Just then, my favourite pink head, Itadori Yuuji, which I spotted, started walking towards us.

"Is this drama I hear?"

"Yea, Britney got pregnant and they're finding out who's the baby daddy."


Y/n listened in on their conversation, which was mainly her white headed friend spilling gossip in school, taking note of the time as she wanted to be back at her dorm as soon as possible to take a nap.

"Guys, I'm gonna go first."

She waved her hand, turning around to walk away from the duo and sliding her AirPods into her ears.


Reaching her dorm, she slid her keys into the keyhole. Twisting it and pushing the door open and closing it again as she entered the house.

Prioritising her personal hygiene, she placed her stuff down and hopped inside the shower.

Feeling fresh as she stepped out, she nose dived into her bed, snuggling into the warmth of the comforter that she missed all day. She lay in bed, eyes droopy from the fatigue and tiredness of school even though she slept in most of her lessons.

She felt a wave of tiredness wash over her as she let herself succumb to her need for sleep. She pulled up her blanket, placing her phone on her nightstand and hugging her comfort plushie to sleep. Although it was only 2pm, she needed a daily nap a day.

Authors note:

Sorry for the long wait on this chapter and that it was short. I'll make the next chapter longer though!
Feel free to point out mistakes in my typing and grammar as I usually don't notice the mistakes😔😔

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