Chapter 4

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That following Tuesday we had to go to court, I didn't want to but our lawyer said it was best if I made a statement. It wasn't a long grueling process, no it was more of about the span of 30 minutes. Turns out Cody's parents had been in court several times for assault charges, so it didn't take necessarily as much time to put the pieces together. Since it was still early Cody and myself went out to go see a movie. It was a cheesy slasher but still good nonetheless. The time we had together was infinite nothing could compare to this. After that we returned home and sat in my room while I tried to write a new poem. It wasn't that good but I'll leave it in here.

Shattered Past by Sin

Shatter our past
watch it break like glass
make this moment last

As time drains from that hourglass
underneath this overpass
it makes me feel like a sociopath

Nothing compares to that feeling
as it drips from the floor to the ceiling
it wreaks of healing

Now finally at last
watch your past
shatter like glass

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