Chapter 7

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You could say it was like a fever dream...but you'd be wrong. You wake up from dreams. As for myself...I'll continue to be in an eternal slumber where I exist in this nightmare. - Sin 6/23/20XX

"S-Sin...wake up.." Cody started to nudge my body. As I wake up I see his body still lying on the ground I wait to notice any signs that he's alive. Slowly he inhales then exhales lightly, my heart skipping a beat as I realize. "Thank god you're still alive..." I remark quietly as I hold him close. Looking outside I noticed the snowstorm had calmed, upon closer examination of the area I realized where we were. It was a local restaurant that had been shut down due to the owner's negligence. The food was never great but it was fine for my taste. Cody loved it though since he grew up with it. It was the only non fancy restaurant he ever went to. His parents were rich and they really liked to live the luxury lifestyle, constantly going around the world and leaving Cody behind. Everything he had was super expensive, but Cody didn't care. A lot of the times he's out in public he's wearing a plain white hoodie or white stockings. Cody wasn't a brat about anything, in fact he was quite the opposite, constantly giving his stuff away to the ones who needed it. He's my angel and he's all I could ever ask for. Cody slowly murmurs as he stirs. "Cody..?" He moves slightly as his eyes flutter open. "S-S-Sin...?" I couldn't contain my emotions, immediately hugging him tightly "I missed you too..." Cody's tail wagged against my back as I held him. "Don't ever scare me like that again please..." Cody laughs a bit "I'll try my best not to haha..." The few moments felt like hours to me. Unfortunately I knew we had to press forward, in hopes of finding some end to this sub zero.

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